Chapter 7

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To other people, a year of school has probably been a long time but for Cale, it was such a short month compared to middle school, elementary or even kindergartner.

During this whole year, he observed what Kim Rok Soo is like and what kind of person he is.

That guy seems cold and stoic but he's actually none of those. He's kind, warm and full of emotion if you actually knows where to look.

Rok Soo doesn't like to move, preferring to rest or, slack off as he would call it. Even so, he never misses a homework ("being punished is bothersome") and got full marks in pop quizzes.

Also,Rok Soo for all that he says that he prefer not moving at all do actually have friends that'll carry him if he refuses because he's lazy ("Choi Jung Soo let me down this instant you fuckin-").

However, he isn't ignorant. He also noticed how sometimes during lessons he'll have a hard time breathing or the way he secretly clutches his chest area as if he is in pain.

Everytime Cale tried to ask him about it,Rok Soo would say he's fine and changed the subject showing that he isn't comfortable with the subject.

He wouldn't want to force Rok Soo to tell him his problem but he wishes that he would rely on him someday.

Cale wanted Rok Soo to realise that he was also his friend who cares for his health and well being. He dislike being kept in the dark but for Rok Soo, he'll endure it.

He knew that Rok Soo's friends must've realised what's happening but couldn't tell him. Understandable, really. They've only known for a short time afterall.

Cale decided that this feeling he got when he was around Rok Soo wasn't just a stupid high school crush anymore.

He tried to deny it at first but as times goes on, it gets harder to ignore the beating heart that goes way faster whenever he was around the man.

He felt way more comfortable with Rok Soo than he has ever been with his own family. He was also comfortable with Rok Soo's friends but not as much when he was with Rok Soo alone.

So, he won't lie to himself and at the very least admit to himself that he has fallen in love with the man named Kim Rok Soo.

He could see how different Rok Soo act around him compared to others, even his closest friends. Where Rok Soo would throw insults to Lee Soo Hyuk and especially Choi Jung Soo on a daily basis, he was treated with care and the insults he get are so mild it didn't even feel like one.

Cale felt hope blooming in his chest but he didn't want to get his hopes up for what possibly could be his own misunderstanding.

Still, today is Valentine Day. No matter how stoic he looks, he knew that Rok Soo actually loves chocolate and has a sweet tooth.

Which is why.

"Rok Soo! Umm here, I- uh.. I made you chocolate. Don't worry I made it extra sweet for you!"

Cale has to give this chocolate succesfully to him-

"Agh!" He was bumped by someone and his hard work fell to the ground.

"Sorry man!" The man who bumped into him, a man with brown skin and muscular body said sorry and immediately went away.

Cale wanted to cry.

"Oh..umm never mind.." Damnit he really wanted to give it to- wait what is he doing?!

"Rok Soo?!"

Rok Soo was picking up the chocolate box on the ground and eating them.

"Wait, no! What if you get sick?! Don't eat it they fell to the ground already!" Cale was holding Rok Soo by the shoulder to halt his movement.

"..Delicious. Also don't worry, only the box are on the ground, the inside, although broken is still alright." Rok Soo evaluated as he smiled assuring he was alright.

Not fair.

How could this man be so adorable,cool and all the time?!


"Yeah?" he was snapped out of his thought when Rok Soo called for him.

"Are you free tonight?"

"I am!" Cale enthusiastically replied.

'Good because my family wanted to get to know you ever since I said that I have friends aside from those two idiot.'

"Let's have dinner together tonight then."

Even though Cale seemed cool on the outside, on the inside he was panicking.

Is this a date?!

Where are they going eat dinner at?

What should he wear?

What if the clothes he wear was a bit too shabby for a place they'll go to?!

What if he wore the wrong outfit and embarassed himself or even worse, Rok Soo?!

"A..Any dress code I should follow? A tuxedo or suit maybe?" Cale seemed like he was fidgeting for some reason. Not that Rok Soo would know why though.

"No, just wear your most comfortable clothing. I'll pick you up at 7. You have my number right? Call me if anything came up."


"Young master, would you be attending dinner tonight?"


"Alright, then I shall inform Master-"

"Also, Hans tell the maids to prepare my clothes, make sure it's comfortable and not fancy enough. I'm going out."

"Alright young master. However if I may ask, where would you be going?"

"I'm meeting a friend."

"Oh a friend... Wait a friend?! You have friends young master?"

"Hans, watch your mouth or I'll fire you on the spot." Cale glared at the panicking Hans.

After an hour of picking what to wear, he decided to wear a white T-shirt layered by a black V-neck loose knitted vest that he decided was simple enough.

Upon reaching the front door, he saw his family was about to start eating dinner when they noticed him, or more like Lily is the one who noticed him.

"Orabeoni! Are you going out?" Lily asked loudly from the dinner table.

"Yes. Also, sit properly,Lily." Cale frowned seeing Lily's position like she was about to get up right at that moment.

"Be careful out there Cale."

"Bye bye Orabeoni!"

"Goodbye hyung-nim."

"Have a safe trip son." His father, Deruth said with a timid smile.

Cale simply ignored them choosing to go to the front door where Rok Soo was already waiting for him on his bike.


Cale's outfit:

Cale's outfit:

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