Chapter 18

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Seeing his only one close his eyes never to be opened again, a great tremor overtook him.

Cale could hold the heartbreak no longer and he fell to the floor in a
disheveled heap as his grief poured out in a flood of uncontrollable tears.

The gut-wrenching sobs that tore through his chest echoed throughout the room could be heard clearly even from the outside.

On the outside, Sherrit also could no longer hold her cries as a great sob escaped her, and she covered her face with shaking hands reminiscing the memories she had with her beloved younger brother throughout they years they were together. She could feel that she was in Olienne's embrace which comforted her a bit but still, it doesn't lessen the pain she was feeling right now.

As for Eruhaben, tears flows out steadily wiping his cheek every few seconds rubbing the back of his grandchildrens who were sobbing so loudly added with his youngest begging them to tell him that this was all a joke.

How they wished they could tell the little one that but unfortunately this is not a joke. This is real and nothing is a joke.

Jung Soo's chin trembled as he tried to hold back his tears since Rok Soo wouldn't like it if he cried. However,he fell to his knees crying out, unable to hold back his tears.He started chewing on his lower lip and he had wiped his eyes so much they were red and swollen.

Jung Soo could feel that Soo Hyuk were rocking him back and forth attempting to calm him down but it was futile.

There was simply no way for them to be calm after the death of their beloved Rok Soo.


Three days afterwards, the funeral was held. The sky was bright clear, not even a cloud was present contrary to the gloomy and heavy atmosphere.

Not many people were present as they wanted this to be a private event only known to a few selected people. They wouldn't want people who doesn't deserve it to be present in this memorial.

Rok Soo is placed in an open casket laying peacefully as if he was simply sleeping if it wasn't for his extremely pale face and cold body without a heartbeat. Everyone that was present had some kind of flower on their hands to give the eternally sleeping Rok Soo for the last time.

Every single one of them has different reasons for choosing their flowers varying from the appearance to the meaning behind it.

Not wanting to delay it any longer, they immediately went up to the casket to give their flower one by one.

The first one to go was Raon, faltering as he went up to the casket placing a blue orchid just like his eyes.

"Human! This..great and mighty Raon will give this beautiful blue flower so you can remember the colour of this one's eyes when we meet again like you promised."

It was then followed by Dodam who then placed a sweet-pea right beside Rok Soo's head.

"Rok Soo..or uncle...geez it's weird to call you uncle when I've been calling you either hyung or Rok Soo all these time. I'll grow bigger and bigger than you'll ever be, you see? When we meet again, I'm going to be taller than you so you better wait for us damn it. And watch us while you're at it."

The next one to go was Choi Jung Soo, placing a rosemary next to Raon's orchid bowing slightly to show respect.

"Rok Soo, we may have our moments but it was truly a great thing that we became friends in that class hmn? If we didn't, I wouldn't have a friend as interesting who claimed to be lazy but worked hard like you."

Staggering slightly,Lee Soo Hyuk who placed an azalea on the opposite side where Dodam's sweet-pea was placed.

"Dongsaeng..thank you for being our friend. Even if the start of our friendship is a bit weird, I mean, seeing you burried under a pile of pillows in my family shop? Doesn't seem to be a common way to meet new friends."

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