Get Ready!

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"Whoohoo! It was a lot of fun!" said Luffy as they just beat foxy gang in Davy back fights.

"Why did you accept that fight you moron! That could have ended very badly for us!" said Nami while hitting Luffy in the head.

"Look here Nami-san I made this special dessert for you"

"Thank you Sanji-kun this is exactly what I needed" said Nami and began eating

"Ah Nami-swann I am glad to know that I was the one whom you needed the most in your life!"

"No I meant the dessert..... and he isn't listening anymore" said Nami with an annoyed expression.

"Sanji's cooking is the best!"

"Ain't that right?"

Said usopp and Chopper as they dug in.

"Hmph. That's all he is useful for so he better be good at it" said Zoro

"What's that moss head, you wanna fight?"

"You bet"

And so began their clash as usual.

"Look here navigator san" said Robin, pointing Nami to a newspaper article.

"What is it Robin? Oh looks like they appointed a new warlord already. Well that was too quick"

"Far too quick in my opinion. It has barely been any time since we defeated crocodile. Also this warlord..."

"What? Do you know him Robin?"

"No but do you remember when that incident happened? The one in which a pirate crew in the North Blue demolished an entire navy fleet having multiple vice admirals?"

"Oh that? Yeah I remember. That was a very big incident which shook the entire world. It was the first time in the history when a pirate crew managed to pull off such a feat even before entering the grand line. Those were the Stardom pirates if I remember correctly" said Nami remembering reading about it.

"Yes. And this new warlord happens to be their captain, Rimuru Tempest"

"What! Why would such a strong pirate decide to work under the navy?"

"Who knows. Lets just keep this info in the back of our heads for now"



"Ouch! That hurt grandpa!" said luffy as he was hit by Grap.


Hearing that, everyone was shocked. The legendary Garp was Luffy's Grandfather.

Suddenly clashing sounds started coming from outside.

"Bwahahaha and I have brought someone to meet you"

With that, Koby came out and attacked Luffy. Meanwhile Zoro was fighting Helmeppo.

After a long fight, Luffy and Zoro were finally able to win, but that was a very close fight. Even though Luffy and Zoro weren't at their full potential since they recently fought an intense battle but that was still impressive.

"How did those kids get so strong in such a short time?" asked Zoro.

"According to that Koby kid they trained under the warlord Rimuru's crew for some time" said Nami.

"Still that was too much. They were pretty much ordinary kids when we first met them" said Zoro in surprise.

"So if they helped Koby that means they are good guys. I need to thank them personally if we meet" said Luffy.


"What do you think of the new warlord Rimuru?"

"Fufufu He looks like the most interesting figure in the new generation"

"Do you think we should be vary of him?"

"Right. We are going to keep a close eye on him. He became a warlord? That's a joke. There is clearly a bigger play here" said Doflamingo with a serious expression

"I see"


"Hey pops. Looks like the navy has recruited a new warlord" said Marco while showing whitebeard the newspaper.

"Gurarara. What is Sengoku up to? Its unlikely of him to choose a new warlord so soon after crocodile's downfall. Who is this new brat?"

"His name is Rimuru and is the captain of the new rookie Stardom pirates. And they seem to be the same crew in that recent incident in North Blue"

"Ah that. I didn't expect those brats would be willing to work with the Navy. Does not matter as long as they stay away from us"


"Why are there so many marines gathered there?" asked Chopper as he saw a marine fleet at the horizon.

"Do you have any idea Camie-chan?"

"Um I am not sure but I heard that there was something wrong with the red line recently, so they are checking it out"

"Something wrong with the red line? There was nothing like that in the newspaper though" said Nami.

"Well lets just stay away from them. We need to focus on rescuing her friend" said Sanji while lighting a cigarette.

"Yep. Lets save the Takoyaki!" said Luffy with his eyeballs replaced with Takoyaki.

"You mean the guy who makes them right?"


"Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah. I have already made up my mind"

"In that case we are coming with you as well"

"I appreciate the thought but you can't. Did you forget you need to help Dragon-san with this important mission?"


"You don't need to worry about me. I have been training for all this time exactly for this moment. I will not lose"

Koala thought for a moment and finally agreed.

"Fine. But you need to come back alive Sabo"

"Of course. I am going to kick some marine ass, save my brother, and come back real quick. I don't care even if I have to fight an admiral, I will not let him die" said Sabo with full resolve.

"You know with how strong you have become, I don't even think you are joking. All the best out there"

"Thanks. And I need to thank that pirate as well if I meet him again. Its because of him that I have this opportunity"

"You mean that 'Guy' from the Stardom pirates? Didn't their captain recently become a warlord? So that means you will be fighting against him" said Koala with a worried expression.

"I have a feeling it isn't about to go down as everyone is thinking, but even if it comes to that, I am not backing down"


Author's note: And so begins a new arc. As always, share your thoughts in the comments and upvote if you liked it. Also Happy new year in advanced!

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