Christmas special Chapter

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Hehe Christmas chapter you are welcome...


I woke up at seven am and smiled when I remembered what day it was. Christmas day! I hopped out of bed and ran to Ash and Ali's room, jumping on to their bed "Ashy, Ali wake up its Christmas'' I said excitedly, shaking both of them "Okay okay were awake, jeez kid" Ash said tiredly. I giggled then got off the bed and ran to the spare bedroom where my mums were sleeping.

"Mum, Mama. Wake up wake up wake up" I shouted, then immediately regretted it as Mum pulled me down and restrained me. "We're awake speedy" She said grumpily "You need coffee" I said matter of factually, "Yes she does, good morning sweetheart" Mama said "Morning Mama, merry Christmas" I said happily "Merry Christmas" She said with a chuckle.

"Come on let's go make some coffee for everyone" Mama said, pulling back the covers and getting up, I slipped off the bed and grabbed her hand. "What are we going to be doing today?" I asked as we walked to the kitchen, "Well I think Alex and Kelly are coming round later with some presents. You need to drop Annie's present off at her house and then we're all going to open presents and watch Christmas movies" Mama said as she worked on making the coffee whilst I sat on a bar stool.

"Shoot yeah I forgot about Annie's present" I said, slapping my head at my forgetfulness "Thought you might have" Mama said facing me and leaning against the counter. We sat talking for a while until Ash came walking into the kitchen. I say walking but I really mean walking like a freaking zombie. "I smell coffee" She grumbled "Yep it's just about to boil" Mama said turning back to the stove. I chuckled at Ash's state and she glared at me, making it harder not to burst out laughing.

After Ash soon came Ali and mum, Ali being the more awake of the three. "Morning Chris, morning Zari" Ali said as she walked past the zombie like Ash and mum. I couldn't hold it in any longer so I burst out laughing, "What's so funny?" Mama asked "Th-they look like zombies' ' I said through my fits of giggles. Mama cracked a smile and so did Ali, "They definitely do" Mama said with a chuckle. "Here I'm sure that this will help, '' Mama said, pouring out four cups of coffee then handing them out to the awaiting zombies.

I was sat watching and still chuckling at the adults who were using their cups as hand warmers. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, "I'll get it!" I said getting up from my seat and running to the door. I swung it open to find an energetic looking Kelley and a tired looking Alex, "Hiiiiiii" I said smiling widely at them, "Hello my favourite niece" Kelley said happily pulling me into a hug. Once she had let go of me I wrapped my arms around Alex "Hi sweetheart" She said in her usual raspy voice.

I finally let them into the house and closed the door behind them, "The zombies and the adults are this way" I said leading the way back to the kitchen. "Oh hey Alex hi Kelley'' Mama said then took a sip of her coffee "Alex you look like you could use some coffee" Mama said and Alex nodded "If it's not too much trouble, that would be great" Lex replied taking a seat on a bar stool "Yep it's no problem at all, just brewed a new pot" Mama said, pulling out another mug from the cupboard and pouring the dark liquid into it.

"Zari, would you give me a hand bringing the presents in from the car?" Kelley asked and I happily obliged. "Okay so I was thinking we could prank the others" Kelley said with a smirk, which I mirrored "What did you have planned?" I asked, "Well I bought these," Kelley said, showing me the confetti cannons and water guns that were in a bag in the trunk. "Apparently we are watching Christmas movies today so we could prank them then" I suggested "I like it" Kelley said giving me a high five.

"We can scare the shit out of them with the cannons then spray them with water" Kelley said and I nodded "Okay now we actually have to take the presents in" Kel said and so I grabbed a few bags. "If I take the prank bag up to my room that way they won't see it and I can say i'm just going to get my presents and then boom" I suggested "Yes I love that idea" Kelley said smiling at me and I smiled back.

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