Chapter 19 - pt2

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Me, Chris, Ash, Ali and Alex were in an ice bath together, discussing plans for Monday. "It's a long flight and we can't leave her alone for that long so maybe it's best if she stays over at one of her friends' houses" Alex said. "Yeah I would want to meet and talk to the parents of whoever we are leaving her with '' Christen said and I nodded, agreeing to what she said.

"Okay time is up, time to get out, '' Ali said, looking at her phone. We all got out and dried off with towels that had been provided. "Alright ladies, thank you for doing the cooldown, you are free for the rest of the day" Dawn called out to all of the team. "You guys wanna come to our room?" I asked Alex, Ash and Ali and they all replied with a nod so we made our way to the elevator together.

"Do you think Zari is gonna be feeling better than earlier?" Alex asked "I don't know. I don't even know what was wrong earlier" Chris said "I guess it's a surprise" Ash said, trying to lighten the mood. The elevator dinged as we reached our floor, the doors opened and the five of us stepped out.

We walked up to mine and Christens room and I unlocked it with my card. I walked in first and didn't see Zari lying on her bed, where I had left her earlier. So I went over to the bathroom door and knocked. "Zari? You in there?" I called through the door but got no answer. I frowned and looked back at the others who had all entered the room and closed the door behind them. I knocked a little harder this time "Zari" I called, then tried the handle, the door was locked. Christen then walked up to me "Zari? Sweetheart can talk to us so that we know that you're okay" She called through the door.

We both got no answer so Ash stepped forward "We need to get that door unlocked" She said with urgency in her voice. I nodded, "I'll go find Jill '' I said, giving Christen a look of worry before sprinting out of the room. I ran down the corridor, sprinting past Kelley and Ally who were walking towards me. "Tobin, wait up. Whats going on!" Kelley shouted at me as she ran after me.

"Not now Kel I need to find Jill '' I shouted back. All the shouting caused a couple more of the team to poke their heads out of their room. I skidded to a halt in front of Jill's door and knocked loudly. Jill opened the door quickly "Tobin? What's going on?" She asked when she saw my panicked face. That's when Kelley and Ally caught up to me, "It's Zari, she's locked herself in the bathroom and she's not answering when we knock and call to her" I said in one breath.

Jill's eyes widened at what I said, "I'll go talk to the hotel manager. I'll see if we can unlock it from the outside. If not you an Ash will have to break it down" She said as she stepped out of her room and started walking down the corridor. I stopped when we walked past my door, Kelley and Ally stayed with me, whilst Jill walked to the elevator. I knocked on the door and Ali opened it, "Anything?" I asked as I walked inside, Ally and Kelley followed behind me.

"Nothing yet" Ali replied, closing the door behind us, "Toby, what did Jill say?" Chris asked with urgency. "She's going to talk to the manager and she's gonna call us if they can't open the door from this side" I told her as I pulled her into my arms. That's when my phone rang. I pulled away from Chris to answer.

Tobin: Jill?
Jill: I've talked to the manager, he said there's no way to open the door from your side. He's given us permission to break the door down. I said that I would cover the damage cost.

Tobin: Alright thank you

I hung up and put my phone back into my pocket. "Okay, step back. Ash I'm gonna need your help" I said, moving Chris aside so I could get to the door. Ash stepped forward "Let me try ramming it" She said so I stepped aside. Ash ran at the door and rammed it with her shoulder but the door didn't open. I stepped up next and kicked at the door but that also didn't work. "Let me try, '' Kelley said, stepping up. "You have to kick it at the lock" She said, then kicked as hard as she could at where the lock is and the door swung open, the lock landed on the floor with a clunk.

Kelley moved out of the way so me and Chris could rush in. We both froze when we saw her. She was lying in the bath, blood pouring from her wrist. Her eyes were closed and the water was nearly completely red. I rushed forward and grabbed her wrist, placing my hand over the cuts to try and stop the blood.

Christen reached over and pulled the plug to drain the water, Ash then handed her a towel. Once all of the water had drained she lay the towel on top of Zari's body to give her a little bit more privacy. "Someone call an ambulance!" I shouted, as I jumped into the tub to get a better grip on Zari's wrist. "Here Tobin" Kelley said as she rushed in holding a med kit.

I grabbed the kit and rushed to quickly open it, my hands were shaking so Christen took over. She found the gauze and quickly unwrapped them, handing them to me. I moved my hand away from Zari's wrist and placed the gauze on it instead, making sure to apply pressure. Christen then handed me a bandage that I wrapped around Zari's wrist to keep the gauze in place. Once I had tied it off I put my fingers on Zari's neck checking for a pulse. Thankfully I found one.

I climbed back out of the bath and then leaned down and lifted Zari's limp body out of the tub and took her to her bed. "The paramedics are here," Ali said, opening the door and letting them in. I moved out of the way as they went over to Zari, I pulled Christen into my arms as she broke down. I held her close and kissed the top of her head as I felt her tears start to soak my shirt.

The paramedics grabbed the backboard and Ash helped them slide Zari onto it. Once they had placed Zari down on the stretcher they wheeled her out of the room. I let go of Chris and grabbed her hand and pulled her with me. I followed the medics to the elevator and rode it down with them. Keeping a strong hold on Christens hand as she looked at our daughter lying still on the stretcher.

"Are you two going to be riding with us?" One of the medics asked "Yeah" I responded, as Christen was still distraught. The elevator reached the lobby floor and I let the paramedics wheel Zari out first then followed closely behind them. The ambulance was parked just outside of the hotel entrance. Zari was pushed into the back of the ambulance and then the medic guided us to get in as well before getting in themselves, closing the doors behind them.


Hello readers,

This chapter was extremely hard to write. I'm glad it's over now. Thank you all for all the reads and the votes, I really appreciate it. It makes me happy to be writing for you.

If you have any ideas on what should happen in the next couple of chapters let know as I am running out of ideas. And if you notice any mistakes (Spelling, grammar, repeated words) Please ket me know I want make this book as good as it can be.

Thank you for everything darlings, see you in the next chapter.

Sincerely Levi x

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