Chapter 11

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Tobin's POV

I woke up to my alarm at seven o'clock and I really didn't wanna get up but forced myself to. I pulled back the sheets and climbed out, I went over to my bag and pulled out my blue warm up kit and some underwear then went into the bathroom and locked the door. I turned on the shower, undressed and got in.

I had a quick warm shower before jumping out, drying myself and getting dressed. I did my morning routine, minus cleaning my teeth as I hadn't had breakfast yet, then walked back into the room. Christen and Zari were both still sleeping peacefully but it was time to get them up so we didn't miss team breakfast. I walked over to Chris first as I knew she would be the easiest to wake and shook her lightly and kissed her forehead "Babe it's time to get up" I whispered.

She groaned but opened her eyes and looked at me "Morning babe" She said, her voice raspy with sleep "Morning love, the bathroom is free as soon as you're ready. I need to get the kid up so we don't miss team breakfast." I replied, she nodded then yawned and stretched before getting up, grabbing her warm up kit and walking into the bathroom where I heard the water start.

I walked over to Zari who was curled up under her comforter. I sat on her bed and stroked the hair out of her face before shaking her "Hey kid you gotta wake up" I said, making her groan and turn over "Zari come on" I tried again, but she just ignored me. I stood up and yanked the sheets off her, making her sit up and glare at me.

I heard Christen walk out of the bathroom and laugh at the situation. "Zari come on, it is time to get up. Grab some clothes and jump in the shower" Christen said, Zari grumbled something under her breath but got up and trudged to her bag pulling out some clothes before going into the bathroom and starting the shower.

"We're gonna have a grumpy teen on our hands today" Christen said to me "Yeah I'm sure Sonnett and some of the youngins can cheer her up though" I replied putting the comforter back on Zari's bed. Just as I finished up there was a knock on the door so I went to answer it. "Hello Sonnett" I said, honestly not surprised that she was here "Good morning Tobin, is Zari ready?" She said with her usual morning bounce.

"No she's only just got in the shower" I answered "Okay I'll be back in a bit" She said racing off probably to go get the other younger people. I shook my head and closed the door "God that woman is crazy" Christen said and I laughed "Damn right babe" I replied. We just finished cleaning up the room when Zari came out of the bathroom ready to go.

"Okay let's go down to breakfast" I said, opening the door, only to be faced by a group of girls led by Emily Sonnett. I looked around the group and saw Mal, Lindsey, Rose, Kelly, Sam, Morgan and Tierna. I was about to say something when Ash and Ali turned up "Whoa what's going on here?" Ash asked with a laugh "I do not know" I responded "We came for Zari" Mal said, smiling when Zari appeared behind me. "Z! Come on let's go" Emily said enthusiastically, holding her hand out.

Zari took her hand smiling, let's just say she was dragged out of there pretty quick. I just shook my head and walked out of the room with Chris, joining Ash and Ali. "I see Zari has become friends with Sonnett and Mal" Ali commented "Yeah next thing you know she'll be pranking people with her and Kells" Ash said "That's what I'm afraid of" Christen said. We all made our way to the elevator at a normal pace.

When we got down to the cafeteria Zari was sitting next to Sonnett and Mal eating a bowl of fruit. She was smiling and laughing which was a very different attitude from this morning. I went and sat down at the table of vets. "I see Zari's happy this morning" Carli said "Believe me she wasn't until Emily turned up" Christen said "Yeah she gave me a proper death stare when I woke her up this morning" I said, Making people laugh.

"Ash I wanted to ask if you wouldn't mind taking Zari in your car again. I have a feeling that she isn't gonna like how packed the cars are gonna be '' Christen asked, standing up and walking over to the coffee machine and making us both a coffee. "Yeah that's cool with me, I was gonna take Ali as well so I could take the three troublemakers as well" Ash responded, taking a bite out of her toast. "Cool thanks Ash" Christen said, handing me my coffee and sitting down with hers.

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