Chapter 21

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Hello my amazing readers,

This is me signing off until next year. I hope you enjoy the double update ;)

I hope you all had an amazing holiday. I didn't, Ngl I hate Christmas but whatever. Sorry not sorry for leaving you on a cliff hanger on the last chapter. If you ever have any Ideas or questions, or if you need someone to talk to I'm your guy.

Love you all as always

Sincerely Levi xxx <3


I grabbed hold of Zari and pulled her into me when the man spoke. "Can we help you sir?" Ash said harshly, "like I said I'm here for Zari Tame" He repeated. "How do you know Zari and what do you want with her?" Kelley questioned, stepping forward to stand next to Ash. "It's fine guys it's fine" Zari said pulling out of my grip and walking over to the man. "Zari, you know this man?" Christen asked "Of course she knows me. I'm her husband" The man said and my eyes widened. "Zari is 16 years old!" Ash shouted at him "I am aware but her parents signed off on the marriage" He explained. What he did next made me feel sick and I don't think I was the only one on the team. He leaned down, grabbing Zari's chin and lifted her head to kiss her.

"Okay enough!" Carli shouted, marching over to the man and Zari, pulling them away from each other. Zari didn't put up a fight but the man did, he grabbed Zari's wrist "She's coming with me" He said, his voice an octave lower than before, trying to scare off our captain. Obviously it didn't work. "No she is staying with us" I said, stepping forward, "Me and my girlfriend are her legal guardians and we will not let her go with you" I said, placing my hand on his wrist. "Now let. Go. Of. My. Daughter." I said through gritted teeth.

He scowled at me then let go, "Don't think for one minute that this is over. She is mine! She belongs to me!" He shouted as he walked away. "IT IS OVER ASSHOLE BECAUSE SHE DON'T BELONG TO NO ONE. AND SHE ISN'T A PEACE OF PROPERTY SHE IS A FUCKING HUMAN BEING!" Sonnett shouted at the top of her lungs at the man. We all looked at her stunned "Damn" Someone said quietly but loud enough for me to hear. Zari pulled out of Carli's grip and ran to Sonnett. They wrapped their arms around each other and as Zari was shorter than Sonnett, Emily had her head on Zari's head.

I was watching the moment the two were having when Christen grabbed my hand. "We need to talk to Zari about this and then talk to the lawyer to see if there's anything we can do" She whispered into my ear and I nodded in response. I watched as Sonnett kissed the top of Zari's head then walked her into the hotel with her arm around the kid. The rest of the team walked behind them, me and Christen walked hand in hand into the hotel and took the elevator up to the team floor. As there were so many of us it took multiple trips for the whole team to make it to the floor.

I opened the door to our room even though Zari had gone to Sonnett's room. Christen, Alex, Ash, Ali, Carli, Becky, Alyssa and myself all made our way into mine and Christen's room. "So what are we going to do?" Carli asked as she took a seat on my bed. "Me and Tobin are going to talk to our lawyer to see if there's anything we can do about it," Christen said, sitting opposite Carli on Zari's bed. "Why would parents sign off on this kind of thing?" Alyssa asked, I looked at Christen and she nodded.

"Zari's parents have never been good at looking after her. That's why me and Chris adopted her, she was being treated like shit." I said sitting next to Chris "So you adopted her and they were arrested?" Carli asked "Yeah, Alex and Ash already know this as they were there when we went to the police station" Chris said. "I kinda told Ali" Ash admitted "And I had to tell Kelly, she actually figured it out herself but-" Alex said.

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