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CHANGE WAS SOMETHING DEMIRA WAS NOT TOO unfamiliar with. change, was just something that she could dismiss out of hand, so she was used to just staying quiet, and accepting it.

it was a learning journey of course, her first big change in her life being when her parents died. sometimes she wished she could have a dramatic story of how they died: they died in a car crash, they were tortured by an evil italian mafia..

no, they caught some random parasite in the virgin islands after eating some really bad food.

demira didn't really feel bad or anything though. their heads were so far up their own asses that they never really have a second thought to her, and payed more attention to fancy trips and business things.

but as demira grew up, change began to surround her, as her friends figured what they would do with their lives, and left her in the dust. or when she had to move straight out of liverpool, down to london becuase of her newfound pageant title.

regardless of change, demira never particularly liked change. just becuase she was used to it, didn't mean she enjoyed it. in her life, change was always present. even in her current situationship, she could sense change would soon come.

of course, she wasn't dating mason, but they weren't really friends.

they weren't exclusive, mason hung out with other girls.

they weren't just friends with benefits, he took her on expensive dates.

they were simply just bored and it was pretty convenient that they were there to entertain each other.

maybe it was just her three am overthinking— nothing good ever came from her overthinking. the slight vibration of her phone almost caused demira to fall out of her bed, the night had been so quiet, that even the slightest creak would startle her.

nonetheless, in one swift movement, her iphone was in her right hand, trying to unlock her iphone to discover the funny vibration. because of the darkness in her room, her face id refused to work, so she had to resort to putting in her six digit password.

it was a text message— she wasn't shocked, she was used to a random fan occasionally finding her number and texting or calling her at all random hours of the day or night.

what she didn't expect, was to see a cliche text from said situationship, mason.


you awake?

no sorry.

no worries x



so come over


i need help
wrapping gifts🙏

𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐌 • MASON MOUNTWhere stories live. Discover now