†°×Chapter 8_Suspicion×°†

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I kept pacing back and forth in the room while one of the nurses is trying her best to calm me down, but I can't calm down!
How can I calm down when everyone thinks I'm dead?!


"Ugh!" I groaned from the headache I suddenly felt and sat down on the couch inside the room

"Sir? Are you okay sir?"
The nurse called out walking towards my direction in worry

"I'm fine, just a little headache..."
I replied tiredly, my body feel so weak... How long was I... Dead???

"Would you like some painki—"

"No need."
I cut her off from finishing her statement but she still has that worried look on her face, I sighed and look at her

"It's just a small headache, I will be fine Thank you." I smiled at her as bright as I muster
It seems that it worked since she smiled back and left
but I still have a lot of questions needed to be answered

I sighed tiredly as I lay my head low
What is really happening right now?

... Not only is everything is crazy right now but my dream was crazy too like WHO TF WAS I SUPPOSED TO MARRY AT SUCH A YOUNG AGE?!

it's probably just my mind doing random imaginary bullshit because of the bullet that run through my brain
But... Why did it felt so real?
The taller boy... Who was he?

Though the imagery were blurry I could see that the taller one had more golden accessories on him...
But somehow the boy was changing it's features
At first he was red skinned and then golden
The shifting of colors were so confusing and their voices changes too

I don't understand it at all

Was that all just a random dream or forgotten memory?

"Ah it seems that you truly are awake."

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a familiar voice as I turn my head towards the door to see

"S-...Sir UN."

"Yes indeed it's me dear."
(A/N: "Dear" 😩)

I looked at him, shocked and puzzled
Does he know about the news?
Did he put me here?
Was he the one who kept me away from the public's view?

"Oh dear, I know you're full of questions but I'm afraid I'm not the one to answer them."

UN said with a softened expression as my confusion only risen up

"Then... Who will?"

"I am."

A familiar voice interrupted

It can't be...

"Ah you're quite earlier than expected, China."

"Well I can't keep my visitor waiting, it would be rude to be late."

They greeted each other casually

Am I in one of China's territory?
Did my country got invaded?
We're we under attack while I was gone?
D-did we lose?!


I held my head trying to ease the sudden throbbing pain as I felt warm liquid on the palm of my hand only to see it was my blood

"Philip! Are you okay? Does it hurt?"
China asked worriedly
he was kneeling in front of me to accommodate his height to check on my wound

"Philip! speak to me!"
“illi please speak to me!”

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