"I'm not. I need to fulfil a promise I made to my Brother." You state taking out the dagger Kai gave you and examining it while fiddling with it between your fingers

"I have to admit, Y/n. Your brother is one heck of a man." Hyo-ryung giggles

"I thought that was just me!" On-jo joins in

"Back off. I knew her brother the longest. The L/n family are all filled with fit people. Y/n and Kai are mine." Mi-jin snaps as she grabs your hand pulling you out of Su-hyeok's grasp.

"No. You can have Kai. Y/n is a no go!" Wu-jin snaps back pulling you away from Mi-jin

"She's mine." Su-hyeok states stealing you back and wrapping his legs and arms around you. You shake your head and scowl at all of them as you put the dagger back in your pocket.

"All of you better stay away from my brother else i'll slit all of your throats. And to end the debate. I'm nobodies." You warn as you stand up and walk over to Nam-ra. You sit next to her and throw your head back. Nam-ra gives everyone a cocky grin as blush crept on her face when your hand accidentally grazes her thigh. You place your hand on your face as you rub your temples in a circular motion

"Ah, damn it! Let them kill us if they want." Dae-su groans as he stands up. Nam-ra grabs a metal bat that was yellow and fiddles with it. You eyes dart to the bat and Nam-ra's hands become shaky as she sees you staring at her hands however, you take no notice on why Nam-ra is suddenly acting off. You gave her your jacket out of kindness, nothing else. Did she take it the wrong way?

"Ha-ri. You didn't fail in the preliminaries, did you?" Wu-jin questions next to his sister.

"No. I did really well." Ha-ri utters

"Your tournament. What happened? Why did you come to the school?" Wu-jin continues to question

"You're her brother?" Mi-jin cuts in shoving her hands in her pocket

"Yeah, I am." Wu-jin mumbles

"She got a perfect score, so she made it to nationals. I saw her." Mi-jin exclaims. Wu-jin's face lit up as he looked at his sister

"Really?" He asks all giddy

"Mm-hmm. It's true." Ha-ri confirms. You knew she was lying but it's not your place to cut in.

"No way. Really? You're really in the nationals? Mum and Dad don't know?" Wu-jin questions happily

"Bro, how could they now? Look around. She jumped out of the archery bus and ran to the school to find you plus the girl you like so you wouldn't be heartbroken. Kid. You be good to her. And to me too." Mi-hin scolds as you stand up and kick her leg.

"Always gonna have an ego like that?" You question as she smirks looking up at you.

"Damn, you even have blood all over your face and still fucking pretty. Fuck you." She groans as she kicks you back.

"Wish I could say the same." You snicker as you sit in between her and Ha-ri

"Shut up." She hisses at you

"Who is she? Why does she keep talking for you?" Wu-jin whispers

"She's my friend." Ha-ri answers as she smiles at Mi-jin

"Yeah. We're freaking besties. As well as Y/n." Mi-jin chuckles. Dae-su appeared towering over everyone as Wu-jin jumps

"You scared me." Wu-jin murmurs

"What's your deal?" Mi-jin questions as Dae-su clears his throat.

"I..." He trails off

"You?" Mi-jin questions

"I think you're the perfect girl." Dae-su blurts out

"What? You freak. Hey. What's wrong with you." Wu-jin grumbles as you crawl over to him. You put your hands over his mouth as you are practically sitting on his lap. His hands immediately go to your hips as blush crawls all over his face

"Shut up. I wanna listen to this." You whisper to him as you remain to keep your hands over Wu-jin's mouth. Su-hyeok, Nam-ra and Mi-jin's jaw tick at the action

"I watched you when you were shooting your arrows, I saw you train every morning. I went to every tournament and cheered for you. Caught myself yelling 'copper beauty' a few times. I really liked you for many years. Now...I wanna be a man, not just a fan. I'm gonna die, anyway. I just wanna say what I want first." Dae-su confesses heartedly

"Cool." Mi-jin snickers

"You're Dae-su, right? You call my brother 'Brother-in-law'?" Ha-ri questions

"Yeah. So that means you knew. Brother-in-law, you told her?" Dae-su asks as you remove yourself from Wu-jin and flop next to him only to be grabbed by the arm and pulled into Su-hyeok's lap.

"Charming." You murmur as he grins wrapping his arms around your waist

"Yeah, I might have." Wu-jin says as Ha-ri holds out a hand for Dae-su to help her out. He wipes his hands on his grey joggers and helps her up

"Must be nice to meet me." Ha-ri says oddly sweetly

"Yes." He agrees

"Then you're okay with dying?" Ha-ri questions

"Yes." He answers to soon

"Yikes" You murmur leaning into Su-hyeok's chest with an neutral expression

Word Count: 1435

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