players pain 2

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She put it on she went downstairs making sure she had everything the doorbell rung she went to the door with her things and opened the door he smiled


He wore black dress pants and a red button up shirt with roses in his hands

Jai-"I win again"

Y-"u didn't win I can really go change right now"

Jai-"u can put these in water on your way"

She snached them from him and walked off he followed her closing the door behind him

Y-"I didn't welcome u in"

Jai-"u left the door open with me standing in it I think that's a welcome"

She put the flowers in water and went upstairs she went through her clothes and put on the other red dress and crossed her arms at the bottom of the steps


Y-"shut up"

Jai-"u don't have to be mean"

Y-"I do this is how I feel"

Jai-"well cheer up your the first to ride in my new car"

Y-"oh so fancy"

She walked towards the door he licked his teeth looking her up and down and followed her he opened the door for her she looked at him

Jai-"im not a monster"

She rolled her eyes and walked out he closed the door she froze in front of the car

Jai-"u like"

She looked at him

Y-"im not dressed to ride in this"

Jai-"your that girl"

Y-"what do u think of have this car in black and i do not get in that looking like this"

Jai-"u look good to me"

Y-"not the point"

Jai-"my car has my taste are u done complaining"

Y-"no I have to change again"

She crossed her arms he walked to her with one hand in his pocket she looked up at him with a different mind set more to dominate then to listen to his bull shit

Y-"can I help u"

Jai-"plz dont make this hard"

Y-"its not hard I just have to change and then we can go"

Jai-"out of all things to argue about is this"

Y-"and who's falt is that I could of been finished by now but u-"

Jai-"yn baby we established my-"

Y-"dont cut me off and dont-"

He stepped closer she cut herself off

Jai-"and dont what"

He said in a low raspy tone she opened her lips to say something but couldn't

Jai-"get in the car I'd hate to make u"

She didn't move

Jai-"u want that huh"

He gave her an evil smile she walked to the car he got the door for her

Jai-"didnt think so"

She got in he closed the door she crossed her legs and looked out the window he got in started the car


She looked at him

Y-"your not waring a seat belt"

He chuckled a little

Jai-"your my passenger your life cupcake"

Y-"stop calling me that"

Jai-"put your seat belt on and I'll think about it"

She put it on"

Jai-"thought about it no"

She shook her head and looked out the window he drove off

Y-"u can slow down u know"

Jai-"wheres the fun in that"

Y-"idk not getting pulled over is fun for me"

She looked at him

Jai-"well I don't get pulled over I have a bad record"

Y-"who'd u kill"

Jai-"i had to kill somebody"

Y-"thats a bad record in my opinion"

Jai-"lil boy named Lewis"

Y-"that sounds familiar"

Jai-"I'd be surprised if it didn't"

Y-"whos that"

Jai-"tried to blow u up 3 times in a row"

Y-"thats why I couldn't find him"

Jai-"mhm your welcome"

Y-"whyd u kill him"

Jai-"protect u I protect myself after your information theres mine"

Y-"are we related that would be weird"

He chuckled

Jai-"what u been thinking about"

She blushed and looked away

Jai-"but no were not related were the youngest ones to have a relationship with that mafia so we're automatically connected"

Y-"theres a car following us"

Jai-"I see u just sit back"

Y-"are u not going to do anything"

Jai-"just sit back"

He checked his mirrors and slowed down a little

Y-"your slowing down"


He put his hand accross her lap holding her down in the seat he made a sharp right into an exit the car followed close behind

Y-"aw shit what did I get myself into"

He chuckled a little and sped down the main road their windows rolled down

Jai-"u better not shoot my baby"

There guns aimed out the windows

Jai-"oh no u not"

He turned and drifted taking out a tire with his weapon and made a u turn the other far turned into a ditch and soon flipped Over he rolled his window up

Jai-"sorry u had to see that"

He got back on the high way and put his weapon away

Jai-"u ok"

Y-"yeah I'm fine"

He looked at ber she was smiling out the window he sighed a little Glad he didn't scare her


my random ideas 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat