Infiltration In Pentagon

Start from the beginning

As soon as he opened the door, the four officers in the room immediately turned around. In one motion, Darkstriker shot down three of them and finished off the last one with a blade that he had formed in his hand.

He looked at his handwork, making sure they all were actually dead, as the blade dismantled back into nanotech and retracted back in his body. Turning to the monitors, Darkstriker immediately started to redirect the image relay like he did with the camera in the storage room.

After taking out the cameras, Darkstriker sneaked into the room containing the mainframe of Sector A-11. He quickly terminated everyone in the room and after that was done, he pulled out a pendrive from his pockets and inserted it into the mainframe computer.

Darkstriker then plugged in his advanced transmitter and hacked into the mainframe. He searched through all the data that was stored in the computer until he found what he was looking for.

"I've found it." Darkstriker said.

"Good. Retrieve the files and get out of there." He heard Silas's voice

While there was no one in the room, the built-in com-link allowed Darkstriker to maintain communication with the MECH base.

"Downloading the files now."

And so he began downloading them in the pendrive. He watched patiently as the progress bar, that indicated how much of the download was complete, slowly filled up.

It was halfway filled up when suddenly alarms rang out. Darkstriker looked around in confusion and then he spotted an officer on his left who was still alive. It didn't take long for Darkstriker to realise that the officer had managed to activate the alarm and immediately shot him in the head in rage.

"We have a problem." He said.

"What happened now?" Silas asked.

"They got alerted about the infiltration."

Silas let out a frustrated sigh and said,"Look, I don't care what kind of mess you made this time. I want you to get those files and get out of there as fast as you can."


The communication was cut off and Darkstriker looked at the progress bar. It was almost full. He impatiently waited, occasionally glancing at the door leading inside the room.

Once the progress bar was full, he pulled out the pendrive and quickly made his way out of the room. But just as he stepped outside, he came face to face with two armed guards.

They both stared at each other for a moment, before the guards aimed their weapons at him. Seeing the gun in his hand and the fact that he was walking out of the place where the alert came from was enough for them to realise that he was a threat.

They yelled at him to surrender, but Darkstriker had other plans. He raised his pistol and shot the first guard down in the blink of an eye. But in the process he had spent all the bullets in the gun.

The other guard took this opportunity and tried to shoot him, but the bullets didn't seem to do any damage to him. Darkstriker instead dashed towards him and stopped mere inches before him.

The guard suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach and looked down to find, to his horror, a blade stabbed in his stomach. Darkstriker pulled out the blade and slashed him across his neck, leaving him on the floor to bleed to death.

He looked up and noticed a CCTV camera on the wall. A thought crossed his mind. If the people in Pentagon were alerted, then no doubt by now their technicians have fixed the reprogramming he had done. Which means, they now know who had infiltrated this place.

He cursed his luck. "Looks like there's no point in being stealthy anymore." Darkstriker thought.

He activated his armour. The nanotech immediately came out of his body and formed his armour around his body, shredding apart the uniform in the process, leaving the armour in full display.

Darkstriker moved his limbs and did a quick system check and then walked forward with the intention to escape. On his way, he was once again interrupted by a number of guards. But they stood no chance as Darkstriker summoned his sword and cut them down.

Bullets flew in every direction as the guards tried, albeit without success, to stop the techno-organic warrior. One of the guards, being terrified of the carnage before him, tried to flee. But as he tried to get away, he felt a sharp pain in his leg and fell down on the floor. The guard tried to crawl away, but Darkstriker quickly closed the distance between them and pinned him down with his foot. The pleading of the guard fell deaf to his ears as he ended the guard's life by stabbing him in the chest.

Wiping the blood off his blade, Darkstriker then again made his way to the parking lot. Once he had reached there, he hopped into his car and slammed his foot on the accelerator.

The car engine roared up in response and it drove out at full speed. Many guards tried to stop him by shooting at the vehicle but it didn't work. Darkstriker rammed his car into the front gate, and it broke upon impact, letting the car escape.

Darkstriker let out a sigh of relief as he got further away from the building. He brought out the pendrive from a secret compartment in his armour and smirked.

"Darkstriker, report." Silas's voice rang in his ear.

"I'm out of the Pentagon. I got what you needed." Darkstriker replied.

Suddenly a number of bullets hit his car. Darkstriker looked at his rearview mirror and saw a number of cars chasing him. They all were carrying military personnel who were all shooting at him.

"Damn it!" Darkstriker cursed.

"What happened?"

"They called in the military. They're chasing me."

"Well then, get out of there."

"I'm trying?" Darkstriker yelled out in frustration as he tried to evade his pursuers.

"Don't try, do it." And with that Silas cut off the communication.

Darkstriker let out a frustrated sigh and reverted his attention back to driving. Two helicopters had also joined the pursuit. As the chase continued, one soldier had managed to shoot out the tires of Darkstriker's Dodge Challenger.

The car skidded out of control and flipped, crashing a few feet away from the road. Darkstriker crawled out of the wreckage of his car and found himself surrounded by the military personnel. They all had their weapons aimed at him.

"Surrender fugitive. You're surrounded." One of the military personnel announced.

Darkstriker got back on his feet and glared at them.

"The only thing I'm surrounded with is fear." Darkstriker said and summoned his sword and its blade lit up in red colour as plasma covered it. "And dead men."

A marksman on one of the helicopters tried to shoot him, only for Jack to deflect the bullet with his sword as he charged forward. And with that, all hell broke loose.

The military personnel tried to eliminate Darkstriker, but they were no match for the techno-organic warrior as he fought his way through them. He stabbed, cut and shot his way through the crowd of soldiers. He even got rid of the helicopters by using the more higher calibre guns the soldiers had to shoot down the pilot of one and damage the tail rotor of the other, making both helicopters crash.

Once the fight was over, Darkstriker panted and glanced around and saw the bloody mess he had made. He took one of the cars that the military personnel were using and quickly escaped from there.

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