The Night Club

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Song: golden hour by JVKE
Friday night:

'So, where were we?' Pablo asks and he moves closer to me. I feel the tension between us again. Why am I so weak for his touch and appearance? 'Nina, are you coming? Ooh, sorry am I interrupting?' I break the eye contact with Pablo and I see Lily. She smiles at me. 'Are you too busy?' she asks teasing. 'No, I'm coming.' I say and I stand up and walk to Lily. 'And you Pablo?' Lily asks. Pablo looks at me first and then he nods. 'Sure.' and he follows us.

The rest of the night we all just dance. No cameras, no work, just us dancing and everyone grabbing alcohol (except for me). It's not like I never had alcohol. At parties or at Christmas, I take some alcohol sometimes, but right now Nicole is somewhere here too and I don't want to take risks. I'll turn eighteen next Friday, so then it's finally legal.

When it's 2AM, I notice Pedri isn't at the dance floor anymore, and Lily isn't either. I move closer to Mikky and I scream: 'HAVE YOU SEEN LILY AND PEDRI?' Mikky turns around. 'WHAT?' I move closer to her. 'HAVE YOU SEEN-' but the music is still too loud. We go to the side, back to the tables. 'Have you seen Pedri and Lily.' I say. 'No. I did saw them dancing pretty close to each other. Why?' Mikky responds. 'Well, Pedri is my ride home, so I'm just wondering where he is.' Mikky nods understanding. 'If he isn't coming back you can stay at mine. That's no problem, it'll be fun.' Mikky says. I smile. 'Sure.' Ferran, Frenkie and Ansu join us. 'Why did you guys leave?' Frenkie asks. 'we're looking for Pedri and lily.' I say. 'Where are Pablo and Aurora?' Mikky asks. 'Ooh, they're talking to mr. Dallas.' Ferran says. Mikky nods. 'Have you guys seen Pedri and Lily?' I see Ansu and Ferran laughing at each other. 'They walked away together, no idea what they're doing.' Ansu says sarcastically. Omg, seriously? Are my best friend and my housemate hooking up? Mikky rolls her eyes. 'This is not the right place, and not the right moment.' she says. Frenkie laughs. 'Maybe they're both just really horny?' he says. 'Mikky, can I still stay at yours?' I ask. I really don't wanna come home and see Lily and Pedri hooking up.. ew! 'Sure!'

Aurora and Pablo joined the group again. 'How late are we meeting tomorrow?' Aurora asks. 'I would say 9PM at my place.' Mikky suggest. ' We can eat, get dressed and be at the club at 11PM.' she says. 'Perfect.' Ansu says. 'Only one problem...' Mikky says. 'Nina is seventeen...' .'I'll turn eighteen next Friday!' I protest. 'Seriously? We should throw you a party! We could go laser gaming or-' but Ferran can't finish his sentence. 'Yeah, alright super fun. Ferran, please focus, no girl wants to go laser gaming on her eighteenth birthday. But, how can she get into the club?' Mikky asks. 'We also got Pablo in remember? I'm sure Pedri can fix it.' Frenkie says and he grabs Mikky's hand. 'Well okay that's settled then!' Ansu says. 'Nina, you'd like to go laser gaming, right?' Ferran asks and looks at me hopefully. I've never done it, but I don't want to hurt Ferran. 'Yeah sure bu-' 'Told you!' he says to Mikky and she rolls her eyes.

Saturday :

I'm sitting in the bus, on my way to Lily. She's at home and this morning I got a text that I had to go to her house immediately. She texted me we needed to talk AND (her biggest problem), she has no outfit for tonight. Luckily there is a huge shopping mall only 2 minutes walking from Aria's house, but Lily doesn't wanna walk alone, so she texted me. She also forgot her bag yesterday, so she probably wants it back. It's really quiet today in Barcelona. It's about 7AM. Pablo said it is always this quiet at Saturday morning in Barcelona, because Friday night is the night that everyone goes to parties, so Saturday morning, everyone is laying in their beds.

I get out of the bus at the right stop and ring the doorbell of Aria's house. I hear a lot of stumbling and then I hear a voice through the intercom. 'Nina?' it's Aria. 'Ooh, uhm hello. Lily texted me, sorry if I woke you up.' I apologize. 'No problem, I'll get her.' I wait outside and after 2 minutes the door finally opens. Lily walks outside and I throw her bag at her. 'Wow, also good morning!' Lily says. I roll my eyes and start walking to the mall. 'Seriously? Wait for me!' Lily says and she starts sprinting to keep u my running pace. 'Don't you wanna hear the tea?' she tries and I stop suddenly. 'Lily. When are you gonna learn that you can't have sex with every fking guy you meet?' I say. 'I didn't sleep with him!' Lily responds and I roll my eyes. We continue walking. 'And if I did, why would you care? WAIT! You like Pedri?!' she says and her eyes are big and shocked. 'No!' I say . 'Seriously no! Never, but he's my housemate. I don't want to wake up, go downstairs and see you guys cuddling on the couch with a condom-wrap next to you!' I scream. Lily laughs. 'That would be amazing!' she says. 'Seriously Lily. That would literally traumatize me for the rest of my life.' I say. 'Okay, but what if I really like him?... he's different.' I look at her sarcastically. 'Yeah right. When you meet a guy, you always just sleep with him and then you move on. I don't want awkward situations between you guys, because I will be in the middle.' I explain. Lily nods. 'I understand. Just don't be so mad!' a silence falls between us while we walk further. 'I have an idea.' she says. 'What?' I ask. 'Okay, we'll make rules. Rule #1: If I, you know, do it with Pedri, we'll do it at my place.' she says. I already open my mouth to protest, but she puts her hand in front of my mouth. 'Rule #2: If me and Pedri don't work out, I promise I won't make it awkward. And Rule #3: -'

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