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Song: Empire State of Mind by JAY-Z ft Alicia Keys

I look into his deep brown eyes. They look a little red. A tear rolls down my cheek. He wants to rub it away, but I grab his hand before he can touch my face. I can't be seen with him like this. 'Listen to me I can-' I don't care what he has to say, he's a liar, a big fat LIAR! I walk away in the middle of his sentence. 'Nina, please, I swear to god, my mom hooked us up, I never wanted her, I swear!' I turn around and look at him. Standing there in the rain. His white blouse sticks to his muscles. My black dress is also glued to my body. My mascara is all over my cheeks, but not from the rain, but from crying. 'You know what Pablo? I don't even care, because nobody wants us to be together. Our fans don't, Pedri doesn't, and now your mother?' I look into his eyes. 'But what if I want to be with you?' He says. I look at him, why can't he realize that's not always enough? I turn around and walk away. I know that he isn't following me anymore. I want to turn around, kiss him, tell him his love is enough and that we can run away together, and love each other. I want to tell him that I don't care anymore about what everybody else thinks. 

But that only happens in movies, right? 

 ... Two months earlier ...

My hands are very sweaty, the clip-board that I'm holding is shaking in my hands, my hair is tight up in a very messy bun and I think I bit my lips almost a 1000 times today. My whole brain is in  stress mode and all my muscles are tensed. 'Alright next up is, Kendall.' I whisper. Right now I am in a room full of super models. Gigi Hadid is literally typing a WhatsApp message one meter apart from me. I stand next to the stage, at the curtains. It's my job to organize when which model is walking on the catwalk. A random designer smooths out the last part of fabric on Kendall's dress, and Kendall walks towards me. I look at her, she is way taller than me and she looks stunning. 

'3, 2, 1 go.' at my go Kendall walks on the catwalk. I hear the audience clap. 'Alright, next on stage will be Bella.' I whisper. It feels weird to call the models by their first name, because I'm not friends with them. But Nicole, my boss, said it's better for the communication at the office. Bella walks out of the  dressing room and her make-up artist puts her thumbs up. Then Bella walks to her designer. He mumbles a few last minute tips in her ear and Bella walks towards me. The audience clap again and I stick my head out of the curtains, without the audience seeing me. I see Kendall, she already started on her way back on the catwalk. She walks with confidents. I see the people in the audience looking at her, full of admiring. The earpiece in my ear starts making a weird noise. 'Start counting.' it's Nicole.  '3, 2, 1 go'. I tell Bella she follows my instruction. 'Perfect.' Nicole says. I look at my watch. Only 20 minutes, and then I'm done. I think. 'Alright next up is Gigi.' I say, while Kendall walks back into the dressing room, she gives Gigi a high-five and she gives me a smile. 'Alright Gigi, 3, 2, 1 go.'

Finally, all the models are back in the dressing room. The designers went downstairs and the make-up artists went home. The models are all together with their coaches and each other. They hug, eat vegan pizza and take photo's together. It's my cue to leave, but Nicole actually asked me to stay outside. So now I'm standing outside, hearing the models and photographers laugh. 'Omg Nin, you did amazing!' It's Lily, my best friend since middle school. She also works here, we actually solicitated together. She works at the lights department. We both don't have a very big function in the company and our jobs are pretty easy, but that is perfect, because we both wanted a gap year to gain experience in the working life. We both want to study in Europe, so the gab year is also to learn a bit of Dutch, German, Spanish and French. Lily smiled. 'You did great too! We're just the stars of the show, as always.' I say and Lily laughs. 'Well maybe in the future, you guys will be the actual stars of the show.' It's a voice behind us. We both turn around and face Nicole. Nicole is a woman in her mid-thirty's. She is very kind and actually always helped me and Lily if we had a question. She can be strict sometimes, but she'll always be there if you need something. I turn a little red, when I realize she heard my comment. Lily already forgot about that. 'Really? How?' she asks. Nicole smiles, happy with the enthusiasm. 'Well, Lily and Nina, I have to say, you guys are very pretty. We actually still need two models for one of our next runways in Spain.' Nicole says.


I look at her shocked. 'You two have almost all of the beauty standards. We had a blonde model to walk in our newest dress, but it turned out the Spanish designer wants three models. Two blondes and one brunette. You guys just seemed perfect, because I hear you actually wanted to move to Europe next year.' Nicole says. 'O-M-G, yes of course I want this!' Lily says. I still doubt a little. Moving to another country? I know my mom isn't leaving New York, she loves it here, and I don't know anyone in Spain. Lily actually has a cousin there, but I don't know anyone. Nicole sees my struggles. 'You guys will not wear lingerie of course, just clothes! And I don't want an answer now, just think about it, I mean the spot is yours until you decline, I need an answer by the end of the week if that's possible.' Lily looks as if she is about to explode from excitement. 'Yes, that's cool.' I answer. Nicole smiles: 'Great, alright girls, see you tomorrow!' 

Me and Lily say goodbye and walk towards our lockers. We grab our bags and walk outside. It's a very pretty evening in New York. It's dusk and the lanterns are already on, but you can still see a little part of the sun. I still feel the warmth of the busy city. I see a young couple with a dog walking towards Central Park. The dog is barking at a squirrel. I see a woman, she is carrying a big bag full of papers with her and she is busy screaming in her phone. I see and old man sitting on a bench. He looks at two kids playing. He looks satisfied, but also a bit jealous. Lily is calling her mom and I see a lot of yellow taxi's off all the people that are trying to get home after a working day. As we enter Central Park I feel the air freshen. I take a deep breath. I see a lot of people walking their dog, I see people taking a stroll after their work, I see people running and doing work-outs. I love New York City at this time of the day, full of life. 

Do I really want to leave this beauty all behind me, for a job?

OMG, I really wouldn't know what to do! Hopefully you liked the first chapter, I know, it's short and there is not much Gavi, but trust me the next chapter will be longer and better! Thanks for reading<33

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