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Holy shit I deadass forgot about this ngl. But hey I'm back and I'm hopefully gonna stay back

Last time

Izuku had fought that bitch of a Phenex. Who honestly is probably the least likeable character in dxd. And won effortlessly.

We start with a bit after that "fight". (Sometimes I forget how much I love not feeling exhaustion.) "The winner Izuku Omni." The announcer yelled. Izuku had turned and walked out the arena. "Where are you going?" A voice spoke. "You killed my younger brother. I'll murder you." This was the older brother of Riser Phenex. Ruval Phenex "You brat you killed my younger brother so you most die." He yelled tears running down his eyes. Vengeance was all that was in his eyes. "And after I'll be the one to marry Rias." Ruval yelled he was extremely mad.

"Oh you're challenging me are you." Izuku began laughing. "A pathetic bug like you. You wouldn't be worth the time honestly. But I guess I'll let you try." Izuku spoke mockingly. "As bad as I feel for Sealing your bitch of a brother. He threatened to take what was close to me." Izuku spoke as he began floating up in the air. Ruval sprouted his Phenex wings and shot towards Izuku. Suddenly he was on the ground being crushed by gravity. "Throughout heaven, Hell, and Earth I alone, am the honored one. There is none before me. Nor will there be any after me." Izuku said as he continued "I alone stand at the top." Izuku spoke looking down at Ruval. "Anyone close to me. Is under my protection. A pathetic bug like you has no right threatening them." Izuku spoke with nothing but confidence. It wasn't pride, or ego. It was truth he wouldn't let anyone touch those he considered close.

"Do you surrender are do you wish to share the same fate as your brother?" Izuku's gaze was cold, merciless. "I won't stop till yo-" Ruval was burrowed deeper in the ground. "Disappointing indeed. I guess I have to put you down." Izuku sighed. Suddenly Izuku had appeared at the stands. "Rias how do I put the poor pup out of his misery?" Izuku asked "Do it fast please I wanna get this over with." Rias answered him. The next second Izuku was Infront of Ruval. He leaned down. "I'm sorry little guy." Izuku mocked him "Sadly he have to be put down." Izuku continued to mock him. As Izuku out stretched his hand his shadow extended and a weapon had formed.

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"The blade in which destroys logic. It's sad that I'm wasting its time on you." Izuku said as he stabbed Ruval through his gut. Within the second of the impact Ruval vanished. "The winner is Izuku Yagi. If anymore wish to challenge him, step up Now." The Announcer yelled. Izuku had begun walking out once more.

("I swear on me if one more mf challenges me.") Izuku thought. (Especially one of those perverts I'll literally kill both of them) Izuku was sick of them. Izuku waited for an hour. After all he was waiting to claim his bride. After the hour had passed Izuku walked out. "As Nobody has attempted to challenge him. IZUKU OMNI IS OFFICIAL THE WINNER AND THEREFORE IS NOW ENGAGED TO RIAS GREMORY!!!!" The announcer yelled suddenly and the cheers came from everywhere.

Izuku teleported up to his now bride to be. "So what'd you think? Do you still wanna marry me?" Izuku asked he already knew the answer. He just wanted to hear it from her. "Yes Izuku Yagi I still want to marry you." Rias said as she pouted and rolled her eyes. "Oh stop being a baby Rias." He began just messing with her.

Time skip to the dorms. Izuku had laid Rias down and waited by her side till she fell asleep. (I'll always protect those close to me.) He thought while walking towards his room. He had sensed all the boys were awake. (I guess it's about time I put that idea to use.) Izuku then sent a telepathic message to all the boys outside of Issei, Bakugo, and Todoroki. As he walked into his room all the boys had all gathered outside of his door. "Sorry for calling y'all so late but I had something I wanted to talk to y'all about." Izuku said as he opened his dorm door. Revealing a room that was way bigger then what it looked like. "WHAT THE FUCK HOW?" The boys yelled. "Oh simple I just used a bit of spacial manipulation." Izuku said "But anyways come in." Izuku guided them to what seemed to be a living room. "Y'all want anything to drink?" Izuku asked being a good host. "No/Nah/I'm good" The bots responded.

((A/N The boys include Denki, Kirishima, Tokoyami, Not lida, Kiba(dxd) and I added Sero back into the story cause why not.))

"Let's just get into the reason I called y'all here." Izuku spoke "First things first. Denki imma need to drop your dumbass act for this." Izuku said glaring at Denki. "Right" Denki seemed to change. "As y'all know we have a pervert in our class. Issei Hyoudou" Izuku spoke his eyes covered by a shadow. "What about him Omni" Tokoyami asked "Oh feel free to call me Izuku. But if we're being honest him being in the hero course is a waste of a spot in our class." Izuku's voice was cold. "Honestly I agree" Denki, Kirishima, and Sero agreed. While Kiba, and Tokoyami stayed neutral. "Along with him is Katsuki Bakugo and Shoto Todoroki." Izuku put his hand out as suddenly. The boys could be see Bakugo and Todoroki's behavior from middle school. There was no disagreement.

"As of now is seven will monitor them. If they make a mistake, a slip up. They will be judged." Izuku declared. "We need a cool name thoooooo" Denki whined. "Oh well how about for y'all the 5 Hands of God. And then we all can be called. The Lord's judgement." (( A/N I'm ass at naming fr))

Anyways I'm bringing this back from death

Have an amazing Day/Night

The demon out

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