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Turmoil reaches my thoughts as I play back the devastated look on Isabela's face

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Turmoil reaches my thoughts as I play back the devastated look on Isabela's face. An uncomfortable ache stirs in my stomach. I didn't expect the night to end like that. It seems like every-time Isabela appears to be happy-- the world takes three steps back.

It's spiteful—the wonders of the world. No one can understand why we go through the things we go through — we just have to march forward. We aren't allowed to stop and mourn our losses before being hit over the head with something else. Time is irreversible.

It's two in the morning, and Damien is pouring us a drink. After his fit, he boarded all of Isabela's windows and locked her in the bedroom as punishment — it seems more like a reward since she gets to be alone like she wants. The colorless drink whisks in my grip as I inspect it before setting it aside.

There are more critical things to be doing than to be drinking. Paola steals my untouched drink, wiggling her eyebrows at me as she downs it in one go. Her blonde bob is curly, appearing shorter than usual from tight ringlets.

"Is she mad at me?" Paola asks, stealing a glance at her brother. "I didn't mean to cause any harm."

An ominous smile frames Damien's face as he swallows the vodka. "Don't worry about it. Julian took the fall for you. If she hates anyone, it's him."

"Sorry." Paolo pouts her overly injected lips and wraps her hands around my biceps, leaning her head on my shoulder. "I hope I didn't make things awkward between you two. Your job is hard enough without her attitude."

"I'll live," I reply, fidgeting with my thumbs on my lap.

A tornado of frustration whirls through me, leaving me in disoriented shambles. She wouldn't let me explain. I get it. I wasn't being a genuine friend, but Paola caught her red-handed. With my confirmation or not, it was a ticking time bomb ready to happen. I could've lied.

I should've lied.

But time is binding.

Our actions lead to these consequences.

"See." Damien downs his fourth shot of vodka. "Julian doesn't worry about people's feelings. He always gets the job done. Every day, I see why Rake recommended you."

"Oooo," Paola singsongs, fanning herself with her hand. "I love a mystery man. They tend to open up when I get the job done." She winks and pokes her tongue at her cheek.

Disgust washes over Damien. "Where're your manners? I don't talk about raw dogging Isabela to you. Besides, I don't think you're up Julian's alley."

Sadness coats her eyes. "What? What's wrong with me? Most men think I'm perfect."

What's worse than an irritating man-child? A bratty, ruthless younger sister.

"You are." I lied through my gritted teeth. "However, I don't compromise my work ethic with my personal ones. You fall into that category as my employer's younger sister."

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