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" I KNOW YOUR DANCE!!!" berry said proudly as she stood up and started to dance, everyone look at her with full of adoration while they're laughing happily and clapping their hands at her.

"Good job baby" chaeyoung said as she stops berry, " your really my daughter" she pinches her nose and berry giggles
"I AM!!" chae chuckles at her while the others laugh.

Dub: " aww how cutie"

Nay: " i didn't know that chaeyoung will be the first to have child in twice... I thought its me since I'm the oldest"

She pouted while jongyeon roll her eyes at her. "home come unnie? When your still single!!" she muttered.

Jih: " your also single jeong we're all single here"

Jihyo said and the others laugh at them

Tzu: "just date each other since your claiming that your already married"

Momo laugh and clap her hands

Mo: "that's right then make a little 2yeon after"

Nayeon glared at them while her cheeks are a little red, while Jeongyeon look away from her.

Its been a years but they're still not admitting their feelings towards each other, the two of them will surely be single if they continued being coward.

Berry: "mommy"

You look at her as she approaches you
You caressed her face and smile at her sweetly, "yes baby need anything?" she point at her tummy and give you a puppy eyes, "snacks?" you nodded and grab her bags you try to look for her snacks but its already gone and only the wrappers left.

"you finish all of your snacks already?" you ask her as you closed her bags
"that's a lot baby you don't have anything left".

She pout her cute little lips and cross her arms, " because it's hard to dance! I get hungry so i ate them" she tilt her heads
"mommy food"

You sigh "we don't have any your snacks are in the hotel we could get them once we go" chaeyoung stood up and fish something out of her bag and walk towards you and berry's way.

"here baby i have fruits you can have them" berry look at her with her bright eyes "THANK YOU EOMMA!!" she said and hug chaeyoung, she grab the container where the mix fruits are and smile at chaeyoung brightly.

Berry : "wahh there's strawberry!! Eomma do you love strawberry's too?"

she ask and shove some on her mouth, chaeyoung runs her finger and brush berry's hair and nod at her

Cy: "Yes baby i do that's why i made song just for the strawberry's"

Berry's mouth form into O while she adorably nod her head "wahhh!! Jinja!! Your so cool eomma!!" she claps her hands and ate some more fruits.

Berry: " mommy hates strawberry so I'm the only one who ates strawberry, she said its bad but i love strawberry's but one time i saw mommy crying while holding a box of strawberry's "

You blink your eyes and immediately look away when chaeyoung's eyes turn on you.You didn't know berry saw you that night sometimes you really hate that your daughter is smart.

You sigh and fish out your phone out of your bag, you look up at the time.

The time surely flies, it's already 6:35 in the evening and you didn't even noticed that, you grab your bag and stood up.

"berry lets go it's time to go home" she looks at you and pout, "no mommy lets stay for a while" she shake her head at you and folds her arms on her chest.
"baby we have to go its getting late and we have been holding them with their work"

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