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You stood up as you saw the doctor coming out of the emergency room,
"how's my daughter?" you ask with full of nervous, your heart has been beating quick and your body is trembling as you wait for the doctors reply.

"your daughter is fine now we will send her in her private room, our pediatric hematologist will be there and explain you about your daughters condition"

"Thank you" you heard chaeyoung said before the doctors leave, you close your eyes and chae wrapped her arms around waist to support you.

"let's go our daughters waiting for us" she said in a very calm way.

You let her guide you to the long hallway
Of the hospital going to berry's private room, chaeyoung had to ask for a private room for berry and for less people.

"I'm scared" you mumbled and stop in front of berry's room, she also stop her feet and stare at you, "hey I'm here i won't let anything happen to our daughter"

She had to grab your hands and intertwined it with her hands, if this is normal day you would take your hands away from her, but your too weak to do that, she squeeze your hands and give you a small smile.

"we will ask for the best doctor for our daughter"

you stare at her bare face and nod
This little bean still knows how to calm you.

Chaeyoung push the door of berry's room open and was about to walk inside but a woman with a cute face and petite body came and stop the both of you.

"hi you two must be the mothers of berry" she said " my name is Kim saeron I'm friends with Erick nam, I'm berry's new pediatrics hematologist" she offers her hand to the both of you and smile.

"I'm her eomma" chaeyoung said and accept her hand ans shake it with hers "doc we want to know how is our daughters? What do we need to do?" she ask again.

The doctor put her hands in her pocket and sighs " berry is  resistant to disease which means any treatment doesn't work for her, we don't have any choice but too go for stem cells transplant as of the moment we were looking for a match for her in national donors we are lucky if we find one but if we don't then we have to check if you ms chaeyoung would match, or if not then maybe her  grandparents would match but if not then we have to look for another way, usually by this her siblings would be the right match but since she doesn't have one we'll looking for another donor but if none of it matches "

"what's the another way?"

She looks at you and then to chaeyoung and sigh "the other way is to make a sibling for berry"

You blink your eyes at her "what? Are you aware that berry is conceive thru ivf?"

"I know that Ms jeon i read berry's profile, don't worry that's only for back up let's just hope that everything would turn out fine, if you two need anything I'll just be on my office and I'll inform you if we find a donor for her"

The doctor smile to the both of you and she then leave after, your knees weakened as soon as the doctor was not on your sight.

Why do you have to suffer like this? Of all people why? Berry's too young for all of this.

You felt chaeyoung's hand on your back as she was carefully lifting you up from the cold tiles floor of the hospital.

"I'll call eomma and my brother to take a test with me" she said gently while caressing your back "i would do anything i can to save our little berry, shush now"


"BERRY just one bite baby"

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