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This is the last chapter thank you for the love and support you gave to me and to this his book... Thank you for my silent reader... And for those angels who keep on voting.... I tried my best writing this book but I'll try to write even better I'm sorry if its cringe of what
This is the first ever story that i publish so bare with me........


YOU were holding chaeyoung hands while waiting for berry's doctor kim saeron... She have the results with her and you were about to found out if chaeyoung or mrs son or Jeonghun matches your daughter.

You were hoping that they would because you don't know what to do if they dont.... IVF is too difficult it has so much procedures.... You'll afraid berry can't hold that longer.

This is the day when you badly needed for
A miracles... If there is ever one.

Chaeyoung thumb brush on your palms
She look at you and pull you closer to plant a kiss on your cheeks, "Calm down love" she said and sighs " your shaking" she added.

Your heart was beating so fast... Your body is trembling with fear.. And your mind was clouded with anxious, this day is so crazy
You feel like your heary will jump out of your chest any time from now.

A little while on.. The doctor kim saeron came with a brown envelope in her hands,
She greeted you and chaeyoung before sitting down onto her table.

"good afternoon ms son and ms jeon" she said ans and sighs before sliding the envelope in front of you two, "we have the result we're so sorry for thr delayed we just got problems with testers... So anyway... Open it"

Using her other hand chaeyoung opened the envelope, with alot of scientific words and number... You don't actually understand it that much, all the three papers are somewhat the same with each other, the only thing you can understand is their names.

"Mrs son and Mr son Jeonghun didn't match with berry....I told you before the percentage of being match to the patient's are very low" she said and clasp her hands
"but... Ms son chaeyoung partially matched with berry" she said with a little smile on her face.

You smile happily... Does this mean berry will be safe now? Ohhh god jihyo, you are so happy.

"However because its only partially matched, there has a risk" she said making your smile turn into frown again, " The marrow might not engraft, so in order to improve the chances of engraftment berry had to undergo additional treatment"

Chaeyoung looks at you as she sighs
"doctor.... Isn't that too much? Berry's only 4" doctor saeron nod her head and sighs
" i know but we could deduct the drug intake at lest.... This is the only way we have other then IVF, if we undergo ivf with the same sperms we can make sure to have
A siblings for berry who have the same four sets of chromosomes HLA genes from the biological mother witch is ms son chaeyoung and the the biological father witch is the sperm donor...This is the easiest way we have.... Although I can't promise you a fast recovery " she said and sighs
" Its your decision but if you would ask me
I will go with ivf...after the stems cell transplant There may be delayed with the recovery of the immune system and it could be result to a higher risk of infection after the transplant"

Chaeyoung squeeze your hands and sighs
"can we have a moment doctor?" doctor kim nod her head and stood up, " sure I'll give you time...I'll wait outside, the earlier we do this the better.." she said and head out of her own office, leaving you and chae.

Be As ONE  || S.CYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora