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Break up

"I'm sorry" that the least thing you'd expect to hear from chaeyoung after the long week's you haven't seen each other.

You have been preparing whole day because you know she's coming back home to you and because its your anniversary
3 anniversary to be exact, you have so much plan for the two of you today.

You cook her favourite foods and prepare some fresh strawberries for your movie night, you even purchased the most expensive rose wine to make the night even  romantic.

You want to surprise her with all of this and with your gift, you were actually excited because you knew she'd be delighted with the vip ticket to justine Bieber's concert.

But the moment she went inside that door you doesn't see any happiness in her eyes
She looks sad, tired and you don't know what that is.

She didn't glance at you or kiss you and give you a tight cuddle the moment she came which she always does.

You know there's a problem and your so nervous to know that.

But the moment she came forward to you
  Her 'I'm sorry'  is what you get.

"what?? Why love?" you stood up and try to hold her hand but she push you away, "i'm sorry y/n" she close her eyes "i think we have to end this"

Your heart sank as you heard what she just said, it was clear than the crystal but you don't want to think its right no....

"are you pranking me?? Love this is not nice come on i cook for you i even got you a gift"
You smile trying so hard to hide the pain
As you try to hold her hands again.

She shook her hand "no this is not a prank y/n I'm serious lets break up" she look at your eyes with no emotion written in her face "I'm sorry and please just leave my house"

Your jaw drop as you heard her said that
You shake your head " what? What's wrong what did i do??" your hands is trembling as your tears keeps on falling down on your face " and your house? i thought this is our home?"

She didn't say anything and just look at you while you were crying, usually she'll panic and run to you to kiss your tears away.

"you were so sweet last night why are you acting like this now?" you laugh sarcastically and wipe your eyes " are you trying to surprise me? Come one baby"

She close her eyes and shake her head
Before she laugh sarcastically "This is my house i bought this you anything in this house is mine, and what surprise are you talking about?! There's no surprise I'm really breaking up with you why? Because i don't love you anymore and your ruining my life and my career no do you get it? So stop being stupid and get the hell out of my house your such an eyesore" she said as she turn her back at you "leave my house while I'm being nice, I'll go to somi once i came back and i see you here I'll call the police on you" she said and pick up her keys.

"s-somi?? When did she came here? Don't tell me you were with her all the time?! I thought you don't love her anymore" you mumbled almost out of breath, she turn at you annoyed and smirk "yes i was with her and i don't think i had to explain that to you yes i love her i always love her your so stupid to think I'd ever love you" she said before marching out of the house.

You break down on the floor as your tears keep on blurring your eyes, no its not true its not happening, chaeyoung loves you, its real you feel it, you saw it.

You force yourself to stood up and walk inside your shared bedroom, you went straight to the closet as you pick up all of your clothes, as much as you want to stay
Chaeyoung already wants you out.

You pick up your clothes leaving those once that she gave you.

You put all your things in the bag
Only the things that you buy yourself and leaving those she buy you, you were crying heavily as you zip up the bag.

You look back at your shared bedroom before leaving the room, you looked at the house and pick up the certain pictures, you guess its comming with you, you let out a sigh as you turn off the lights before leaving her  house and maybe leaving her life.

"HOW DARE SHE!!!" your friend slam her hands on the table "how could she do this to you?!!! Yah y/n"  look at you and hug you tight, your best friend park chaeyoung or rRosé of blackpink the only family you have in korea.

She's your childhood best friend and she's the reason why you met chaeyoung, even though your a once before and you migrated in korea all the way from Australia 
Because you want to meet twice and be with Rosé of course

"i trust her to take care of you but what did she do!! She just break your heart" Rosé let out a sigh as she pulled away from you
"why don't you just go back to Australia hmm or go somewhere else I'll just visit you there i don't think staying in korea is a good choice because you'll never forget about her" she caressed your face

"go home"  she said in her aussie accent
You stare at your hands and nod "that's my plan"  she smile at you pulled you close once again, before she stood up "I'll buy you the fastest ticket now" she grab her phone "I want you to go home, far away from that scumbag'" you laugh as you try to brush those tears away.

Rosé Did really make sure you'll fly back to the Australia, but since she can't find and immediate flight for you she'll have to use her connections instead.

Because she's park chaeyoung the Rosé of the Blackpink, she manage to get you a private plane and within that night
You were on a plane going back to Australia leaving everything behind you and bringing only the memories and the pain.

During the whole flight you can't help but to cry, the flight attendances keep on coming to you to check you and offer you some food to eat, but you always refuse, you were tired but you can't close your eyes so you stayed away the whole time, you cried then you stop crying for a minute and then you'll cried again.

Surely being heart broken sucks.

The flight to Vienna Australia wasn't that long but it wasn't that short either, its 6 when you landed to Vienna, you were fetch by Rosé driver from the airport and drive you to your house, it didn't take a long drive to your house.

The driver pulled over to your house
As he walk out from the car, he opened your door and help you to go out.

You sigh as you stare at your house, its almost four years since you left, silly you for thinking that you would never came back here, you even wanted to sell this.

Because you thought you finally find your home where you'll be forever staying at but it turn out to be temporary house.

You wipe down your tears as you slowly put in the key's thru the door, pushing it open you were greeted by your clean house with a white cloth above the furniture.

You sigh as you look around

" i guess I'm back"


This is short but hell i cry a little writting this that's why i make it short I'm sorry hahaha ciao

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