Chapter 6A - Messy Holidays Pt. 1

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Cody sat his plush next to his chair and grabbed 3 slices of pizza and poured his Coke in a big cup. Then he sat at the left side of the table and ate remaining silent.

"So christmas is coming is tomorrow, are you excited?"

"Yeah Mum! I can't wait to get the Xbox Series X and the newest CoD game!"

"Okay but you do know family is coming over right?"

"But I'm wearing a diaper! Everyone will know!"

"Oh I told everyone ahead of time and even your friend, Stacy!"

Stacy was his crush... this was gonna be embarrassing now that she knew he was in a diaper. But all of the sudden he felt a rumble in his stomach, he had to poop badly and couldn't hold it. He wanted to go use the toilet but his parents probably wouldn't allow him.

"Honey if you have to poop just go, it's only me and your father."

"I don't wan-"

Before he could finish his sentence, a wave of poop flooded his diaper. He felt his face go pale as it wouldn't stop coming out, then a stream of pee came out after he was done pooping. It felt like torture, his diaper was now bulging through his onsie and showing the brown-yellow tinted diaper. Cody started crying right then and there.

"Awww shh shh it's okay baby, we can-"

"IM N-NOT A BABY Mu- phmm"

His mum slid the pacifier in his mouth and didn't let Cody spit it out. She laid him down in the living room carpet and changed him, minutes felt like hours to Cody. His mum was slowly changing him on purpose.

"There, now it's bedtime so let's go to bed"

"It's only 9:58 mum.... I usually stay up longer!"

"Do you want your presents or not? Then go to bed see you tomorrow"

"Ughh okay..."

He grabbed his plush and waddled up the stairs, cringing with every diaper crinkle he heard.


The Christmas special chapter is next, sorry I was delayed a little me and my BF went to a date out <3

*Tail wagging*

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