" You told me she was poisoned." Dexter reminded her to which she nodded.

    "Yes, it had been meant for me really." Her eyes clouded over and she was dangerously close to crying. But she took in a deep breath and continued, her voice stronger. " I actually have been poisoned a few times myself. But after my Nanny's death, I couldn't afford to be weak. I was wary of everyone and everything. I barely ate, afraid that everything I was given would be poisoned which in most cases, they were."

    "I stayed in the shadows. It didn't stop them from seeking me out though and trying to make my life miserable. They really wanted to see me break."

    " I started going around with antidotes and herbs. I'm sure I consumed more herbs than meals during that time. My father couldn't care less what they did to me and everytime I complained or fought, all the blame was pushed on me. So I stopped." She glanced up at him. "Remember that he advice you gave me? About not letting anyone see my cry and smiling back?" She asked and he nodded. "It actually worked. Every time I was mistreated, I'd smile or wear a poker face. They didn't know what I was thinking and it drove them crazy"

     "Eventually they got tired of me and tried to marry me off. But not just to anyone, to the sickest noble present I'm Gegoria. Rumor had it he was abusive and his first two wives had died as a result. It was then I knew I couldn't take it anymore. He tried to rape me when we first met." She told him and his arms tightened around her.

    "I've tried not to think about it this past few months and truthfully it's because I have you here to distract me. But these past few days, it's made me wonder how my life would have turned out if you hadn't been there to save me. If I hadn't bumped into you when I did. And seeing you almost die, it must've resurrected all those demons." Her voice began to break as tears slipped out of her eyes. " I can't bare it. I wouldn't be able to survive it. I can't bare to lose you."

     " You're not losing me. You're not. There's no way, I'm leaving you." Dexter began to say but Maya was so engrossed with herself she wasn't listening.

   "Please don't. Don't leave. I won't be able to hear it." She cried, clinging onto him.

   He hugged her, letting her cry it all out. When her sobs had been reduced to whimpering, he turned her so she was facing him. "Actually, you've been doing nothing but saving me instead" He said.

     " I-i have?" Maya asked as she cleaned off her tears. Dexter nodded, a gentle smile on his face.

    "More times than you can count." He whispered, staring into her eyes. "How did you think I'm still here?' he asked, drying her face with his sleeve.

    A shadow crossed his eyes as Maya fought to understand what he meant. "I don't understand." She let out.

    He heaved a sigh, holding her hands. "When my mother died, I had wanted to die along with her." He began, surprising her.
   Maya stared at him with widened eyes. "I heard... I heard from the maids that you watched her die. Is it true?" She asked, her voice almost inaudible. Dexter nodded, much to her fears.

    His hands tightened around her as his gaze darkened, his body tensing in remembrance. "Slit her throat right in front of me and made me watch."

    "I'm sorry." Maya breathed out. "I can't imagine how devastating it must have been. You've always been so worried about her." Maya whispered, her concern evident in her voice.

    "I had been so enveloped by pain and anger, I didn't know what I did afterwards. Till now I still don't remember. By the time I came to my senses, I had killed everyone I knew and loved. I had the blood of hundreds in my hands. Only very few people escaped that wrath. I was crowned king because people thought that it was what I wanted. It wasn't. I just wanted to save my mother. And I couldn't do that."

     "I remember feeling so lost afterwards. I had sunk into a depression so deep, nothing made sense anymore. At one point, I had seriously considered ending it all." Maya froze, shocked at the words that were coming out of Dexter's mouth.

    " But then I remembered you. And I wanted to see you..I just wanted to visit and talk, I honestly didn't have any intentions of attacking your kingdom. But when I saw you running towards me with that look in your eyes, I blacked out."

    Maya stiffened, remembering their unceremonious meeting. She'd been trying to escape from her arranged marriage. Dexter was still speaking so she gave him her full attention."If I hadn't remembered you when I did, I'd probably be dead." He said.

     "So... We saved each other's lives?" Maya asked and he nodded, caressing her face.

    "This is why I can't leave you, if I did. I would die. You don't know how happy I am to have you here with me? So stop thinking like that. You would never lose me."

    "Am I that important?" Maya asked, sniffing.

    "More than you realize." He replied without a missing. For the first time since he had fallen sick, Maya grinned. Her eyes sparkled even as tears fell from from her eyes. This time, she didn't bother to clean them off.

   Once again, Dexter stared at her, awestruck. Heart pounding in his chest, he pulled her close and kissed her. Maya dove in, reveling in the feeling of his lips on hers. Though they tasted bitter thanks to the multiple herbs, Maya could care less as she returned his kisses, all of her fears and worries disappearing with them.

      Maya rested her forehead on his, catching her breath. "Thank you for telling me this." She whispered, staring into his eyes.

    "You're welcome. Do you feel better now?"

    Maya nodded, smiling at him. "Ecstatic even."

    "Come here." He mumured, pulling her closer to him as he laid her on top him. She placed her head on his chest, letting the steady beating of his heart lull her to sleep.

It was a debate to put this scene but I'm glad of how it turned out. If there's anything I like about Maya and Dexter's relationship, it's the presence of communication.
Let me know what you think!!!
See you in the next chapter!!!🙈🙈🙈



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