Christmas special

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(I know it's late but I genuinely didn't know what to do for the special 🤷)



Shouting and things getting knocked over greeted Chrysolite when he opened the doors to the place he used to stay. He decided to come over because it was Christmas after all and they were like family to him.

Pattern was next to him, shuffling nervously while Jewel, sitting in a stroller was teething on his blanket.
Naturally I wouldn't have expected coming here to such chaos but I digress.

Walking in, it suddenly got quiet, everyone staring at us with wide sockets- or eyes, since it seemed Miss Pick Me brought her own family and friends as well.


A happy Blue bounced up to us, a huge smile on his face. Honestly he's a chill guy-

"Hey Blue, decided to drop by since it was Christmas and I know at least some of y'all missed me."

I chuckled, watching his eyelights turn to stars when he looked at the baby in my stroller.


"Yeah, me being me adopted this little guy after finding him in.. not so good circumstance..."

I chuckled, soon feeling a hand on my shoulder I side eyed Pattern, who seemed to be glaring at the humans in the house to no surprise.

"Nice to see you Mary, looks like you gathered your family here too."

Smiling the 'classic Sans' smile, me and Pattern were ushered in by Blue.

Once inside, Oh and Gradient came running up with TimeKid, them marveling over Jewel who ignorantly chewed his blanket.
Honestly adorable.

"So... How's getting chased down been?"

Looking up from my fawning, I met the smug face of Mary. Jerk.

"Look, it's Christmas, let's put your petty anger aside and talk about the weather being relatively nice."

Play it cool Chrysolite, if she doesn't get what she wants she'll throw a fit and it'll be epic.


I could see she was mad, probably knows better.

(Timeskip brought to you by Jewel somehow hissing at anyone who touches his blanket.)

Everyone was opening their presents, other then her family and friends the presents Mary gave to everyone(minus me, Pattern, Jewel and the other kiddos) were trash and didn't match their personalities and likes.

It was clear she didn't care.

She got a lot of stuff she wanted, however, very expensive and a lot of it.
And she still complained.

"What are YOU giving us on Christmas?"

Now she was staring at me, Jewel fell asleep while I rocked him after feeding him so he slept soundly.
I can see the smirk, she wanted me to be 'the bad guy's didn't she?

"Right here."

Now THAT I wasn't expecting.
We did get presents, just wasn't wanting to give them the presents until  the spoiled brat and her band of incels left the house but okay then.

"By the way, didn't know you existed nor did your family so don't expect a DIME."

I smiled at how Pattern chuckled, leaving Mary fuming.

Everyone loved the gifts they got, they all got three gifts that matched their interests and likes- maybe I analyze them on a daily no one can prove anything!

Soon everyone gave their goodbyes, Mary stuck her tongue out at me while me and Pattern, along with Jewel of course, went home.
There, we had our own private Christmas, laughing and joking at how the others reacted to their presence and the memories they'll stay as.

All in all, Christmas was great.


(Sorry for the shortness but I'm sick, got the cold, luckily I'm not coughing as much as I do when I go to bed so- but hope y'all enjoyed the small Christmas special! Despite how uneventful it was..)

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