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(Alr now let's get into whatever this mess gonna be.)




The crying skeleton ignored the other voices, crying at the dropped chocolate on the ground.


"Shut it creator you literally spend your days reading Undertale fanfictions and making them you have no right to call ME a noob."



Wips and nae's nae's cutely

(¯'·._.·[time skip brought to you by Chrysolite drinking a whole thing of mayo.]·._.·´¯)

"Pattern, Pattern, Pattern, Pattern, Paaaatttttteeeerrrrnnn-"




"Hi 🤭"

"You lil-"

.·´¯'·-> [another time skip brought to you by Pattern beating up Chrysolite.]

It was a beautiful day outside

Idiots were driving

Kids were playing

On days like this, single parents like Chrysolite...

Should stop kicking orphans-


"So today on do or die-"

"p13453 n0-"

"We're gonna see how far a single glitch can be thrown! Ready Horror?"


"Alrighty! Let it rip 🤩!"


And Error was never seen again 😔


"You know, I wonder what the readers think when they read a story where it's a FGoD but yet, Error is hardly in it anymore..."

"D0u87 7h3y (4r3 mu(h. ! m34n, 5h0u1dn'7 937 y0ur h0p35 up f0r m3-"

"Error, you know you'll be coming in later chapters where-"

"Shhhh no spoiling"


"Tee-hee 🤗"



(Alr that's all for the sh*t post chapter, ain't got much motivation.
Btw, now that I've introduced a new character and crap do you guys want a QnA? Go ahead and respond if yes if I don't get any I'll just gather my very few ideas and make a new chapter, hopefully soon.
Word count: 276)

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