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(Sorry I haven't been active after the couple of parts and I'm also sorry for how cringe they may have seemed ;-;. I'm pretty new to this but I promise they'll get better! Now onto the chapter.)
[??? POV]

Walking, that's all I've done these past days.
After falling into this strange dimension and seeing the quantity of Sans' and Papyrus' it has been quite a problematic situation.

I know who they were, Chrysolite, he wasn't originally who he is now and unfortunately the old Sanses memories are fusing with his own.

I wanna meet him, them, they need guidance and help. All these Sanses aren't supposed to be HERE. This isn't their world, yet they assume it is.. I shouldn't judge it. It is quite a problematic situation at least Ink and Error don't mind it. Things hopefully will go back to normal soon.

Ah, he's alone now.

I should talk to him.


[Chrysolite's POV]

This is so dumb, why did I act like that!?
Ugh, I feel so embarrassed-
I literally acted like a spoiled brat at a dinner table, I shouldn't have acted so harshly and aggressively!



"Hello there, your are Chrysolite, correct?"

What the?-

"Hello? Who are you where are you??"

He held his breath, looking around the room frantically. Who?...

"Do not fear, my name is irrelevant in this conversation. And my simple presence is the reason you cannot see me.
Now, you are Chrysolite, the human monster fusion that went wrong, correct?"

A human and monster fusing? Is that what I am?.. I'd never had guessed.

"I'm guessing yes, well, would you like to talk? It seems whatever this version of Swap Sans was doing it wasn't good, was it? He clearly had enemies and now you unfortunately have to handle his mistakes, huh?"

I... He isn't wrong that's for a point. I need help out of this, I don't like it!

"I can help you, the past can't be changed but the future can! This Swap Sans is from this Multiverse. The other Papyrus' and Sans', minus Ink and Error, don't belong directly in this Multiverse. But you do."

He paused, so, that means that if push comes to shove he won't get back...

"it's not bad, okay? You'll be just fine with outside help. The thing talking with you? That thing isn't a normal Sans by any means. That 'She' mentioned before is from the original Multiverse you don't have to worry about her.
You have to listen to me. Anything you do or say that you don't mean isn't your fault. You didn't choose to die, you didn't choose to be a Sans, you didn't CHOOSE this it's not your fault.
You can only hope everything can go fine for a couple of days."

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚘𝚜ジ𝚁𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍Where stories live. Discover now