Chapter 22

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It was shortly after 6 o'clock when ABBA arrived at the restaurant. Björn was very nervous because he planned to propose to Agnetha after dinner.

The restaurant was luckily not very full and they sat down at a table in a corner.

"What do you want?" Björn was sitting next to Agnetha on a bench and hugged her.

"I don't know I'm not very hungry." Agnetha placed her head on Björns shoulder. He could sense something was wrong. She had been distracted the whole afternoon but he decided to say nothing. She was probably just tired.

They ordered and the food arrived 15 minutes later. Benny, Frida and Björn were talking the whole time but Agnetha seemed to be somewhere else in her thoughts.

"Are you fine?" Björn looked at her with a concerned gaze.

"Yes, I'm just tired." She layed her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. Usually would Björn  have decided to go home so she could rest but he had planned to propose to her that evening and he still wanted to do so.

Björn took out the box with the ring and looked at Agnetha. She could feel in his movements that something was going to happen so she opened her eyes and sat up straight.

"Agnetha, min kärlek. It's been more that a decade since we met. We married and had a wonderful time. You brought our two amazing children into this world and you must know that I love you three more than everything in this world. I would do anything to know that you are happy. But something went wrong and we separated. I'm aware how many mistakes I made and that everything that happened my fault is but, luckily did we manage to get together again. Legally are we still married but it just doesn't feels right so I ask you Agnetha Åse Ulvaeus, will you do me the honor to marry me again? I promise you, this time will everything go right." 

Agnetha answered nothing. She just turned away and started to cry. Frida who was sitting near her stood up and went over to hug her. "What's wrong Chiquitita? Is there something else?"

Agnetha still answered nothing. She just cried.

Björn looked helpless at Benny. Did he do something wrong?

After a what seemed to both of them an endless time turned Agnetha around and looked at Björn. "Are you Sur you want to marry me?"

"Why shouldn't I?" Björn looked at her with a desperate look. "Anna, darling, please say something. What is going on?" Björn looked at her and worried.

"I-I think I'm pregnant." She turned around and ran out of the local.

"Please pay, I'll give you the money later." With that being said left Björn running after Agnetha.

"Agnetha!?" He stood outside wondering in which direction she might have went and just turned to the left because that was the was to her home.

He ran for over ten minutes searching her but without finding her. He was about to give up when he saw her sitting on a bench. Björn could see from far aways that she was crying.

He slowly approached her being afraid she might run away when she noticed him.

"Anna, Darling." Agnetha looked up when she heard his voice. Her eyes were red from all the crying and she seemed terrified.

He sat down next to her and hugged her. "It's okay Anna. Cry if you need it."

After a few minutes in which Agnetha just in Björns arms cried looked she up. "Björn?" Her voice was barely noticeable and sounded very terrified.

"Yes darling?" Björn stroke a wet strand of hair out of her face.

"I'm afraid. I don't take birth control because my doctor told me not to so we always used condoms but not-" Agnetha stopped talking and started crying again.

"Oh, darling. I can understand you but you must know that whatever happenes, I won't leave you. I will be there for you all the time." He hugged her.

"Thank you." She looked up at him and tried her best to smile. "Can we go home?"

"Of corse." Björn helped her stand up and they walked back to his car to drive home.

One week later...

"I'm afraid Björn." Agnetha and Björn were sitting in the waiting room of the hospital.

"You know, I will be there for you, whatever happens. I'll be with you, even if your pregnant. If there is the need am I going to raise that child with you and if you want to abort I can completely understand that and will support you." Björn hugged her tight giving her an encouraging smile.

"Thank you." She almost whispered.

"Agnetha Ulvaeus" A nurse called o"How did it went?" Later that day were Agnetha and Frida sitting in the recording room between the recording of two songs.

"Fine, we should get the results this evening."

"You're anxious, aren't you?" Frida played her hand on Agnetha's thigh to calm her down.

"Yes, I'm just afraid I might be pregnant from-" She took a deep breath before she continued talking. "from rape."

"I can completely understand that but If you want to you could abort."

"No, I would keep the child. Björn also told me that but it's not his or her fault what happened. " A tear rolled down her cheek.

"Hey, don't cry. You don't even know if you'r pregnant so don't stress yourself." Frida hugged her.

"I just have the feeling. I've been pregnant twice before and know what it feels like."

"Can we continue recording?" Björn entered the room. He wanted to distract Agnetha because he knew how anxious and nervous she was.

"They sat and listened to the noise. What in the world could it be? There it went again-wailing high in the air, and then dying away with a moan only to begin again a few seconds later.*" Agnetha was sitting in the living room and read her children a story when the phone started to ring.

"Wait here a moment. I'll be right back." Agnetha left the room to take the phone.

"Hello, Agnetha Ulvaeus?"

"Mrs Ulvaeus, here is Doctor Olafsson, we have your results, do you like to hear them?" 

"Yes please." Agnetha exchanged an anxious look with Björn who was standing on the other side of the room.

"Congratulations, you're six weeks pregnant."

"Can-can you say that again?" Agnetha was completely confused.

"You're six weeks pregnant." Repeated Doctor Olafsson.

"Thank you, Have a nice evening."

"And?" Björn looked at Agnetha expectant once she had hung up the phone.

"Anna?" Björn approached her looking at her worried because she was just staring into space.

"I'm six weeks pregnant, but how?"

"Six?" Björn was now also confused. What happened six weeks ago? He calculated and suddenly had a light bulb moment.



"The morning we woke up after the first night in Japan. We couldn't remember because we were drunk but could it be that we-" Björn didn't continue because he saw the happy shining in Agnetha's eyes.

"It's your child!" Agnetha exclaimed hugging Björn.

"Oh baby!" That moment got Björn suddenly an idea. He went down on his knees and took the box out. "We got interrupted, so I'm asking you again, Will you marry me?"

* From a Famous Five novel written by Endi Blyton

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