Chapter 12

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Today was the day ABBA were going to recording the short clips for Gäst Hos Hagge.

In the past few days Agnetha's state improved a lot but she was still tired and easily exhausted. Apart from that she was mentally weak and easily stressed out.

She hadn't seen Björn since the day she threw him out after she had visited her. Due that she was more nervous than usual in the past month when she was about to meet Björn.

Frida had persuaded Agnetha that it would be better when Agnetha was benign driven instead of driving herself.

Because of that reason she was now sitting in the living room of her house and playing with Linda and Christian while she was waiting for Benny and Frida to pick her up. Bitte had already came over to take care of the children while Agnetha was working. Just as they used to do before Agnetha and Björns separation.

Being lost in her thoughts Agnetha startled from hearing the doorbell ring.

"I sit Aunty Frida?", wanted Linda to know.

"Yes, and that means I have to go now.", hearing her mother say that made the little girls eyes shine less than they did before.

Leaving her children in the living room, Agnetha made her way toward the door. "I'll be right back, I just have to say goodbye to Linda and Christian.", said Agnetha after opening the front door leaving Frida standing on the doorstep.

"She is such a wonderful mother. Linda and Christian must be grateful to have such an amazing mother. I just wish she knew it." "I'm ready.", with that words brought Agnetha Frida back to reality after being lost in her thoughts. "You're a good mother. Do you know?", Without really having the intention said Frida her thoughts loud.

"Do you really think that?"

"Sure. You should stopp thinking that you are a bad bother to your children.", after a few seconds  added Frida: "Because you aren't one."

Before Agnetha could reply anything they were interrupted by Benny: "As much as I adore your girl-talk, I have to tell you to hurry because we are already late. You can continue your conversation in the car."

"No, we cannot. If we would continue our 'girl-talk' how you called it in the car it wouldn't be a girl-talk anymore because you would listen. And you aren't a girl, are you?", said Frida with the intuition to light Agnetha's spirit a bit up.

It worked. The whole way to the TV studio where the clips were going to be filmed bot, Frida and Agnetha were having a lot of fun talking about random stuff and make Benny shake his head in amusement.

The near they came to the studio the quieter Agnetha would get until she said nothing at all.

"You are afraid of facing him, aren't you?"

"No, yes, I don't know. It's just too much.", answered Agnetha trying to prevent herself from crying.

"It's okay, sweetheart. It's okay to cry. It's okay to be overwhelmed. But I can tell you from experience that it's easy to cope with hard things when you have someone to talk about your thoughts. So, if you need somebody to talk, you can always call or just come over. You won't disturb me."

"Thank you.", Agnetha tried to hug Frida as well as the belts would allow it.

"You can also speak with me.", added Benny from the front seat. 

"Shut up, you're a man. You won't understand it. Woman are really complicated.", was Fridas friendly respond.

"Oh, thank you. By the way, I already know how complicated woman are. My wife is a prime example."

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