Chapter 8

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After the dinner Frida took the children upstairs to put them in bed.

"Where Mama?", asked Christian pulling at Fridas hair when she laid him in his crib.

"She is sleeping and so should you do. Tomorrow you can be with her.", was Fridas attempt to bring him to sleep.

After leaving Christians room Frida went into Lindas room just to find her fast asleep on the bed.

Frida covered Linda with a blanket and entered Agnetha's room.

She found Agnetha laying awake in her bed.

"Hej, how are you feeling?", said Frida sitting down next to Agnetha.

"Not very well. I still have a terrible headache and I'm freezing.", answered Agnetha in a tired voice.

After measuring Agnetha's body temperature Frida looked at her worried: "I't says 38.7°C. You're having fever." (Google says it's 101,66°F.)

After a few seconds Agnetha answered: "I can't get sick, not now. I need to look after the children. Apart from that we still have to finish an album and many TV appearances in the next weeks."

"That may be true, however your wellbeing is more important than the business. Bitte can take care of the children.", said Frida trying to understand why Agnetha always had to be such a stubborn.

"Björn wouldn't be very pleased when I stay at home.", she argued.

"Forget that damn man for a few days! I won't discuss it with you. You'll stay in bed until you're better!", ordered Frida in an authoritarian tone.

"But...", Agnetha tried to contradict but Frida cut her of int he middle of her sentence.

"No butts! Do you want something to eat? Linda helped me cook dinner."

"Yes, but only a bit. What time is it?", answered Agnetha while she sat up.

"Something between half past eight and nine o'clock. Stay in bed I will bring you something to eat."

While Agnetha ate and talked with Frida Björn and Benny were sitting in a bar somewhere in Stockholm.

"I fucked up really badly."

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but you're such an idiot. One week, only one week after she left you hat Lena. You weren't together for a few months. You were married for almost eight years and you just moved on. How would you react if she had a boyfriend one week after your separation?" was Benny's attempt to knock some sense into Björn.

"I would probably feel replaced and wonder if she was really interested in me."

"Do you see? That's the way she feels now."

"But that something different I'm using Lena to fill the emptiness in my heart and sole.", Björn trief to defend himself.

"No it's exactly the same thing. Don't you see how hurt she is? It looks like she is falling into depressions.", tried Benny to explain.

"Do you know how she is? Did Frida told you anything?"

" I don't know if it's right to tell you. You know Frida would kill me she finds out I told you something about Agnetha.", when he saw Björns disappointed face Benny added: "You should ask Bitte wand't she with the children today? Maybe she can tell you. But, when Frida asks, I never gave you this advise."

"Thank you I should call her. I'll be back in a few minutes."

Björn left Benny to find a phone box to call Bitte.

"Hej Bitte, it's Björn."

"Björn, is everything alright? Did anything happened?", Bitte sounded concerned because it happened very rarely that he called her. Most of the time it was Agnetha who was dealing with the children.

"Yes, well, no. You you can tell me how Agnetha was this afternoon and evening?"

"I't an extraordinary request, but sure. I cannot tell you much: When she cam home around three o'clock she said she was having a terrible headache and wanted to rest a bit. Later Ms. Lyngstad came to check on her everything she told me was that Agnetha was having fever and was sleeping at that time."

"Thank you.", after a short chat with the nanny Björn hang up und walked back into the bar.

The fact that Agnetha was having fever worried him more than he would ever admit.

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