Chapter 15

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It was the next day. ABBA were filming a few scenes in the snow. They were skiing lively down the hill. 

Agnetha was having much fin until she suddenly felt how she fell. She landed on hard ground, in that second she hit the floor everything around her started spinning and then turned pitch black. 

After a while when she felt something cold everywhere around her and something warm running down her face she came back to her sense. She needed a few seconds to analyze her environment. She realized that she was in a tight space. Everywhere around her was snow. A few meters above her head she could see sunlight. Down where she was was everything dark. After a few seconds realized Agnetha that a warm liquid was running down her face. It weren't tears. It was red. Seeing a lot of her own blood on her hands made Agnetha dizzy again. She must have hit her head somewhere.This wasn't good.

"Help!", begun Agnetha to scream.

"After a few seconds she could her the sound of someone walking on snow coming near.

"Björn, thank god. I fell down here. I must have hit my head, I am bleeding a lot.", explained Agnetha. She was freezing and had a very bad headache.

"If you were Lena, I would help you but you know what I am going to do? You will get a cold funeral! Everybody will feel sorry for me and soon everybody will forget you!", with that being said Björn started throwing snow into the hole where Agnetha was in. 

"Goodbye", then everything went again pitch black.

Agnetha woke up from her dram. She was crying and screaming. She was sweaty and freezing.

"Agnetha? Are you alright?", she could hear Frida from the other side of the door.

Agnetha answered nothing. She was still influenced of her dream. She was afraid. She couldn't even tell the reason for her fear.

"Please open the door.", requested Frida.

Agnetha wanted to stand up. Open the door but she couldn't. Her legs weren't reacting. She wanted to say something but there were no words coming out of her mouth.

Meanwhile Frida was standing in front of Agnetha's hotel room, not knowing what to do. She had waken up because she heard someone screaming. After she had realized that it was Agnetha she immediately left the her and Benny's hotel room to check on Agnetha who was sleeping next door.

Suddenly she remembers that Benny was still having the spare key for Agnetha's hotel room.

"Benny, Benny, wake up."

"What happened?", asked Benny not really happy about the nightly disturbance of his sleep.

"Where is the second key for Agnetha's hotel room?", by the concerned sound of his wife's voice knew Benny that it was really urgent.

"On the bedside table.", answered he reaching for the key: "Here"

After she had grabbed the key ran Frida back to Agnetha's room. She unlocked the door and opened it.

Agnetha was lying on the bed. She was curled up in a ball quietly sobbing. This sight broke Fridas heart.

"Everything is going to be alright.", she hugged Agnetha from behind to give her a feeling of safety.

Fridas presence helped Agnetha to calm a bit down but she was still very shaken by her dream. She felt so nauseous that she thought she was going to throw up.

"Frida, can you please help me to the bathroom", asked Agnetha in a shaken voice.

Frida helped her up and supported her on the way to the en suite bathroom. 

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