44. Vent'Anni

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It turns out, rest was not what she needed at all. She shut her eyes, only to immediately regret it when she was haunted by the image of Giorno's sad eyes. She groaned, snapping her eyes open again.

"Jolyne, are you sure you don't want to talk about it? You know I'm here for you."

"I'm fine, Bruno. It's just the Hamon training. Coach is set on making sure she works me to the bone till they become so brittle that I'll never get the chance to outlive her and dance on her grave when she's five feet under."

Bruno frowned at her half-hearted humor, not looking convinced. His blue eyes were filled with concern for her.

Jolyne was grateful for him, but she was not ready to talk to anyone. What she wanted was to lock herself away and die of embarrassment alone. It was the least of what she deserved for running away like a little girl the second Giorno gave someone else a little attention.

Thinking of his lonely figure that she had left behind, she felt her heart sink in her chest.

'What have I done?'

Their 'little' date had been going wonderfully, and even if that woman intruded, that was no reason for Jolyne to act in the manner she had. Her response had been so...immature. A huge contrast from the confident, mature atmosphere that Ms. Casano had exuded.

Staring at the water below, she caught sight of her distorted reflection looking back at her. Wide-eyed and naive, a girl barely out of high school. That's who she really was. Maybe that was the real reason why she had fled with her tail between her two legs. While Stella Torchio and the other shameless admirers triggered her fight response, this rival that put them to shame made her switch to flight. Inadvertently, she had made way for someone who felt more worthy to stand beside Giorno.

Her gloomy thoughts were put on pause as the boat arrived at the harbor before the palazzo's main gate. Jolyne thanked Bruno for dropping her off and stepped onto the harbor. With just a few quick steps, she was right at the entrance, only to find someone loitering there, waiting for her.

"Jolyne, can we talk?"

It was Romeo's voice. Her first broken heart. Just what was it with lovers from the past coming back today? Truthfully, she had completely forgotten all about him being in Venice. She recalled that he had gotten his passport back a few days ago yet somehow managed to spill coffee all over it only an hour later. That could be why he was still here.

Maybe she really should talk to him, get him off her back once and for all. She owed him that much; he had been kidnapped because of her, after all. Another scared kid who had no business in the world of the big bad adults of Italy.

"I guess I have time," she told him, resigned to having an unpleasant conversation.

She followed her ex inside the palazzo. He had only been there for a few days, yet he moved about the place with ease, behaving as if he were the host and not a guest who was overstaying his visit. He continued to lead her until they arrived at the balcony where she had run into Giorno the other day. Trying to shake off the nagging thought that he had chosen to stay with Ms. Casano instead of going after her, she focused her attention on Romeo instead, who gazed out at the scenery thoughtfully before turning to her.

"I have something to say to you," he said expressionlessly. When he was sure he had her undivided attention, he continued. "I want to break up with you."

Jolyne stared at him. She waited for him to smile or give some kind of indication that he was joking, but when he didn't, she realized he was completely serious.

Bloody Golden Butterfly [JJBA Fanfiction] (Giorno x Jolyne)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ