Chapter 14

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"This is really from Kun Lun. And your energy is reducing, Prof. Shen. His energy is conquering your energy now. Yunlan, I am afraid Kun Lun's energy is already conquered your human body now," Da Qing said in his surprise.

"Really? You mean I can use his power too?" Zhao Yunlan asked in surprise.

Da Qing nods.

"Let's try, Yunlan. Can you release your energy like I do now?" Shen Wei asked.

Zhao Yunlan swallows hard and he learns from Shen Wei to release his own energy like Shen Wei did. An hour passed, finally Zhao Yunlan can release his own energy. He is surprised too actually to have the deity's energy when he just a human, not a special guy with a natural ability. But then he looks at Shen Wei for his curiosity.

"If my energy is conquering your energy, then what will happen to you, Xiao Wei? How can you use your energy as Heipaoshi? Can you transform to be Heipaoshi with my energy?" Zhao Yunlan worryingly asked.

Shen Wei smiles.

"Please don't worry. I think your energy just recovering my energy. That's why your energy is conquering my energy now. Let see for these few days, okay? I am sure I will get back my energy soon," Shen Wei assured to her beloved.

Zhao Yunlan nods with his sighing to hear that assurance from Shen Wei while Da Qing nods agreed for that too.

"How is the progress of Taotie? Did you get any new information about him?" Shen Wei changed the conversation with them as she remembered for that demon.

They all nod and then they tells all about Taotie that they heard from Zhangshi. Shen Wei is a bit surprised too like them all when she heard Kun Lun deity had created those four hallows and Kun Lun also introduced Zhao Yunlan from the future to the yashou tribe leader. No wonder Zhao Yunlan looked clueless when the first time they met on the Kunlun Mountain about 10,000 years ago. Besides, the relationship between Kun Lun and Da Qing is the fact that made the relationship between Da Qing and Zhao Yunlan is closer than they expected.

"Wait a minute! To think of what is happening to my current gender and now I have Kun Lun's energy within me, I guess it is not a coincidence. I mean is the emperor of wrath has planned it since the beginning not because of my feeling towards Yunlan. And Yezhun... He doesn't have his power now also has a reason that we never expected," Shen Wei suddenly said what she thought from her mind to think of the situation now.

"What do you mean, Prof. Shen?" Zhu asked in confusion.

"Yes, jie. What do you mean by that? Lord of wrath sealed my power not because of he didn't want me to use it for the bad deed?" Yezhun curiously asked.

Zhao Yunlan frowns to see Shen Wei that looking at him while he himself is thinking of the same thought.

"You mean Lord of wrath knew that Taotie will be released back to the world and he used us to get Taotie back using current situation of us?" Zhao Yunlan asked to confirm what he thought.

"Do you think like that too, Yunlan?" Shen Wei asked back.

"Guys! What are both of you talked about, huh?! We are confused here, okay?" Lin asked to know the real situation now.

Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan look at each other before they both look at the others with a sighing.

"Xiao Wei, if I am guessing right, you want to tell us that the Lord of wrath changed your body to be a girl to make us fell in love and then to make me to take your virginity to planted my energy within your body. So that I can cover your energy from sensed by Taotie? Is that what you thought?" Zhao Yunlan asked to confirm but that guess caused Shen Wei chocked her own saliva.

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