Chapter 10

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Zhao Yunlan keeps focusing on his work in his office room. After he backed to the SID on the next day, he called Lin to find any information about the name of Kun Lun. He wants to know what is the relationship of Kun Lun with him except his lie to be Kun Lun back then when he travelled to the 10,000 years back. He curious for the Kun Lun that Shen Wei told to him who sealed that black smoke named Taotie when he didn't remember or know any person named Taotie. He wonders for who is this Kun Lun that he just heard.

"Yunlan, are you having your lunch today?" Shen Wei worryingly asked made Da Qing at the same desk as Zhao Yunlan arches his eyebrows to hear that ask which he knows this new Heipaoshi is really caring about Zhao Yunlan's health.

Zhao Yunlan sighs.

"Not yet. I am busy..." Zhao Yunlan replied without looking to his beloved at the door.

Shen Wei shakes her head with a changing face aura. Da Qing who can see the changing face of this Heipaoshi quickly transformed to his cat form and he runs away to the outside of Zhao Yunlan's office room made Zhao Yunlan startled.

"Fat cat! Where are you going?" Zhao Yunlan curiously asked.

"Giving you a chance to deal with your beloved wife!" Da Qing shouted in his cat form while running away made Shen Wei blinks her beautiful eyes underneath that rim glasses towards Zhao Yunlan to hear the word of wife.

Zhao Yunlan who is speechless to hear those words looks at Shen Wei and he grins a little. But then he sighs for defeated to see the face aura of Shen Wei that still in the mode of scold even though she heard the word of wife from Da Qing.

"I know, I know I skipped my meals again!" Zhao Yunlan quickly admitted his fault for this time.

Shen Wei sighs and she walks towards Zhao Yunlan with a paper bag in her hand and also an envelope. She puts that paper bag and envelope on the working desk of Zhao Yunlan before she closes all the files and documents on that desk made Zhao Yunlan almost whining but the glaring eyes from his beloved made him quickly shrinking at his seat.

"Eat first before you continue your work. I told you I don't want to see you are sick again for your gastritis!" Shen Wei warned.

Zhao Yunlan defeated while lifting up his both hands on the air to surrender for this new Heipaoshi now. Shen Wei didn't smile but just giving her poker face like usual she did to Zhao Yunlan when she was still a guy back then. Zhao Yunlan didn't mind that when he knows who is Shen Wei whether in this girl version or that guy version. Shen Wei is still Shen Wei that hardly to smile and that smile will be the most beautiful smile to all especially to Zhao Yunlan.

"Xiao Wei ahh... You are always scolded me for my skipped in meals. You even didn't smile to me when you scolded me. Can't you be more soft to me? You are a girl now, right? Please smile more for me," Zhao Yunlan teased and he tried to curve the lips of Shen Wei to smile but only got a swat from this new Heipaoshi.

"Ah Lan! Can you be serious over your health? What if you are sick again?" Shen Wei still scolded while calling the nick name of her beloved now.

"Ah Lan... I like that name you called me now. Xiao Wei ah... Let's sleep in my apartment tonight, okay? I can't help to feel an ignite in fire every time you called me with that nick name. How sweet... I wonder to see you underneath me on my bed soon," Zhao Yunlan pervertly said.

Even though Zhao Yunlan just teasing on Shen Wei but that teasing made Shen Wei feels shy and immediately her face blushed to pink. Zhao Yunlan smiles to see that changing face of his beloved now. He likes to flirt and tease to Shen Wei just to see that pink blushing face of Shen Wei when she is shy. Not only when she is she but also since she was he back then. Shen Wei is so adorable with every teasing and pervert thinking from Zhao Yunlan. She will react immediately just for her beloved one.

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