Chapter 18 (Final)

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Shen Wei looks at her twin brother that now having a fun with that fat guy in the warehouse. Her brother is happy to live at there with the protection from that family. Now Shen Wei can live happily to see her brother is safe and sound in front of her eyes. Bai Houtian is there too to accompany her brother after that decision was made.


Shen Wei speechless to see Yezhun woke up back from the dead after Long Hun left them at there. Bai Houtian surprised to hear the call from Yezhun to her but Yezhun didn't remember the others. The weird is Yezhun asked about two guys that they never know who are they but only Bai Houtian knows those guys that Yezhun asked.

"Who are they that he asked you, Xiao Bai?" Shen Wei asked as she pulled Bai Houtian to her.

"Err... That is Xiaosanye which is Wu Xie that was died in the journey of archeology. But he is Yezhun, right? Not Wu Xie, isn't he?" Bai Houtian asked to confirm.

Shen Wei nods confidently. She was confused to hear that. Yezhun is Yezhun, not the others. How can he said he is Wu Xie now? Who is Wu Xie? And he even asked those two guys which Shen Wei never know them in her life. But to see Yezhun didn't remember who is he now made Shen Wei thought that it's good to make Yezhun forgot his sad life and live as a new guy in this world without his power.

"Xiao Bai, if I request you to take care of him, will you do that?" Shen Wei suddenly asked to see Yezhun looked uncomfortable with the other SID staffs now after he woke up from the second death.

"Of course I will, Prof. Shen. He is the next or maybe the last guy I will fall in love after Xiaosanye," Bai Houtian said with assurance.

Shen Wei smiled.

"Bring him to meet those guys. I mean bring me to talk with the real Wu Xie's family. I want to make him as their family and I will be his adopted jiejie. Can you do that favour for me, Xiao Bai?" Shen Wei asked.

"But Prof. Shen, to do that, you and him may not be staying together soon. Is that okay with you? He is your didi, right?" Bai Houtian asked in confusion.

Shen Wei nodded.

"Because he is my didi, I want to see him safe and get his happiness. Let him being Wu Xie with the memory of Wu Xie and I will glad to see him happy with his life. But before that, I need to meet with lord of wrath to know the reason of his death is changed to the other soul within him now," Shen Wei said.

Bai Houtian nodded understand and she let Shen Wei to have a talk with the others.

"Bring him to the nearby hotel and let Xiao Bai to accompany him. I will leave for a moment to do my work in the underworld and soon, we will meet in that hotel, okay?" Shen Wei told to them.

"Xiao Wei, where will you go?" Zhao Yunlan worryingly asked.

"To meet with the emperor of wrath to ask about Yezhun," Shen Wei whispered.

"Alright! Please be careful," Zhao Yunlan nodded understand.

Shen Wei smiled and she went to meet with the emperor of wrath. After the talk, now Shen Wei knows that the emperor of heaven granted the wish of Yezhun to be a good guy in the world. Since Yezhun can't be the ghost face anymore without his power and Yezhun will not be immortal anymore, so the emperor of heaven gave the second chance for Yezhun to be a good guy with the memory of good Wu Xie who was died in the archaeology journey. Or else, Shen Wei will lose her twin brother forever if Yezhun is still being Yezhun. With that reason, Shen Wei accepted that deal with both emperors and she needs to accept Yezhun as Wu Xie in this life.

That decision reached to the SID staffs and they all agreed to let Yezhun to be Wu Xie. Then, Bai Houtian brought Shen Wei to meet with Wu family and of course the old SID staffs followed to that city. Mr. Wu Erbai and family members were surprised to see Yezhun which now is being Wu Xie after they lost Wu Xie before. After Shen Wei told the truth to them, they agreed to take care of Yezhun as Wu Xie and with that Mr. Wu Erbai sent Wu Xie to handle that warehouse together with the real Wu Xie's friends, Wang Pangzhi and Kylin. Of course Bai Houtian followed Yezhun for that work.

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