Chapter 8

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Yezhun saw someone in that building and he silently follows that figure while Chu and Guo didn't alert on his did now. He didn't want to call Chu or Guo when that calling may cause that figure to be escaped soon. So he keeps following that figure silently while trying to not make a sound even for his breath. He hopes his did will not cause any trouble to him sooner or later.

Unknowingly to Yezhun that figure noticed of his existence at there and that figure keeps alluring Yezhun into the jungle till Yezhun didn't alert that he is entering too deep into the jungle. Meanwhile, Chu and Guo just noticed that Yezhun isn't with them now. Guo looks panic with the missing of Yezhun now when they can't trace him without his power now.

"Call Prof. Shen, Xiao Guo and tell her about him!" Chu ordered.

Guo wanted to call Shen Wei but he knows Shen Wei never use a smartphone. How can he call that professor now? But he remembered that Prof. Shen always be with his chief. So he hurriedly called Zhao Yunlan to tell about Yezhun. Of course that information caused his ear became deaf for a moment when his chief scolded him for the lost of Yezhun now.

"Let's go now, Yunlan!" Shen Wei hurriedly portal to Chu and Guo at that place without waiting for the answer from Zhao Yunlan.

Luckily Zhao Yunlan already used to travel through this kind of portal by Heipaoshi. They are landed exactly near to Chu and Guo who are still clueless to find Yezhun now. Chu looks worried to face with his respective Heipaoshi now due to the lost of Yezhun now. He is afraid if Heipaoshi will scold or blame him for the lost of her lovely twin brother now.

"Where is the last you saw him?" Shen Wei asked without scolding or blaming on Chu or Guo.

"Behind us at there, if I am not mistaken," Chu told.

Shen Wei nods and she walks towards the back door of that abandoned building. Zhao Yunlan followed as well as Chu and Guo. Shen Wei slowly releases her power to trace on Yezhun because only him can trace Yezhun who is not having any power now but the twin bloodline between them.

"He is at front. But I can sense another scent near him. My didi's heart is abnormal like something tried to use his body," Shen Wei told with her worry to think of Yezhun now.

"What is that another scent you feel, Xiao Wei?" Zhao Yunlan asked to confirm.

Shen Wei shakes her head.

"I am confused. This scent already extinct since 10,000 years ago. Impossible it is here now in this age," Shen Wei told.

"What is it?" Chu also asked.

"Chu Suzhi, bring Chief Zhao back to the SID. Guard him at there. Xiao Guo, you follow them," Shen Wei ordered.

"No! I will not leave you alone at here to deal with whatever it is at front!" Zhao Yunlan stated.

"But Yunlan, this is dangerous. You can't be here unless..."

"Unless what?" Zhao Yunlan unsatisfied with the order from Shen Wei.

"Unless you are safe," Shen Wei said with her worry.

"Then, do you think I will be safe if I am at SID? Can you assure me that?" Zhao Yunlan asked with a tricky question.

Shen Wei swallows hard.

"I am not sure it either. He may get you at there too if he is here now," Shen Wei slowly replied but it's enough for Zhao Yunlan to hear it.

"Then, what's the difference of me is here or at there. Xiao Wei, before this you left me alone to fight Yezhun and finally you were died in front of my eyes when you were lifeless because of Yezhun. This time, or even after this, I will not let you fight alone whether with Yezhun or with anything. I will be always at your side. Maybe I can't protect you with my power, but I can protect you with my life. If you died, I will die as well together with you, Xiao Wei. I will not leave you alone for the fight or anything," Zhao Yunlan strictly stated his feeling.

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