"You wanna fight?!" Nick's eyes were burning a hole through that guy, he gritted his teeth when he spoke. I've honestly never seen him this angry before, again I'm drunk but I could see somewhat and this moment I felt terrified looking at Nick. He raised his fist about to hit the man.

I ran up to cover Nick from getting into a fight, "Stop!"

"Just playing dude," the Swedish guy rolls his eyes and walks out of the room.

"God Selena, did you know what that man could've done to you?" he was pissed, he strips off his leather jacket and covers me with it and zipping it up immediately.

"I know," I sighed, putting my arms through the sleeves.

"He could've raped you!" he raged, kicking the couch.

"Thank you for saving me," I say, "But you're the last person that should be saving me."

"Why is that? I thought we are friends again," he turns to me, taking a step away from the couch and to me.

"I don't know," I dodged him taking a step away, "I told you before we can't be friends."

"Why not?" he cries.

"Because you have a girlfriend Nick," I pointed out the window.

"What does that have to do with anything? I just want us to talk again," he argues, stepping close again.

"I can't because I can't forgive you."

"Well then give me the chance to earn my forgiveness."

"No Nicholas," I stumble a step back again. It was probably the alcohol that was hitting me, I felt some tears running down my cheeks, "I don't want to talk about this now..."

"Then when will it be a good time to talk about this?" he pulls me in with his two hands on either sides of my elbow.

"I don't know Nick," I sobbed, "Just not now."

"Why..." he begged, he brushes a tear away from my left cheek.

I pushed his hand away, "Because you are just going to stomp over my heart again. And I can't risk that!"

"Give me a chance."

I couldn't speak and just closed my eyes as I sobbed. This totally was the alcohol taking over my body. The tears came down uncontrollably. I felt his warm breath get closer as he brought me closer to him.

His lips left a touch of sweetness on top of mine. He would probably be tasting the alcohol I've been drinking all night as his lips delivers kisses over to mine. He was the only one that was puckering up, I kept my lips closed.

"Kiss me," he begs, he brings my lips close again by pulling me in from the neck and the waist.

Seriously, this is the alcohol. I obeyed and kissed back. He intensifies the kiss, pressing his lips harder down on mine. I felt the passion because even with the alcohol I feel the butterflies in my stomach lifting me from he floor.

He sets me on his desk and I respond quickly by wrapping my skimpy long legs around his waist. His fingers were running through my wave of curls which really turned me on.

His other hand grips me closer to him, I felt his lips travel down to my neck. He meets the soft spot on my neck and I feel his lips sucking on it. I pressed him closer. My eyes opened for the first time, sneaking a peak outside and a high pitch scream makes its way into the office room.

Both Nick and I jumped.

"Oh my God, what's going on?" I pushed him off of me and looked out to the party, he followed too to the balcony. We saw a crowd forming around a part of the pool.

"Shit!" Nick cursed under his breath and ran out of the room.

With the alcohol controlling my brain it was a bit hard to run, I stumbled my way down and to the patio. Nick has disappeared into the crowd by the time I got down there. I was tipsy but I could see the blur of a crowd, I pushed through to the center.

Olivia was drenched from the pool water I believe and she had a small scratch on her forehead. Everyone close to them were gasping and whispering to the person next to them. Nick hugged her to soothe her from the pain, but she was really chill about it, she laughed a bit and shook it off. Although there was a little bit of blood running down her face.

"It's really okay babe," I hear her say.

"No, let's get you to the hospital," Nick tries to help her up and get the crowd to ease off, our eyes met for a minute, I pushed through the crowd again to run out from the scene.

I stumble and fall on Conner who was right behind me to catch me.

"Can we get out of here," I look at him, he seemed fully sober, he nods immediately and helps to walk out. I held in my tears, as Conner helps me exit the party.

Whether it was the alcohol or not, I know my tears are once again wasted on Nick Jonas. I'm always going to be this stupid girl that doesn't learn her fucking lesson and have him run over my heart like its free.

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