Chapter 20- Oliver

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she loves me I think as I kiss her. She's said it and I need to say it back. But before I can say anything she bury's her face in my neck to stifle her moans. I press my face against her head, breathing in her hair smell. We both finish and collapse in a heap of sweat and lust.

After we catch our breath I turn to her. "I love you. I love you" I emphasize. Tears well in her eyes as she turns and lays on my chest. I wrap an arm around her and stare at the ceiling. "How is this going to work?" I ask her after a few minutes. She lifts her head up and kisses me.

"We'll figure it out" she promises me. I wrap my hand behind her head and lift my face to kiss her forehead. "Poor Ashton he didn't get shit" I say. Ali bursts into laughter. I laugh with her and hug her to me.


The next few days we live like a married couple would after a honeymoon. Sex every single night, sometimes during the day too. We grocery shop and travel around.

On the stormy days we stay inside and read books or watch movies or have sex. It is the best thing in the world to be in a little bubble with someone you love. Especially when you deeply, truely love them.

Ali is the only girl I will ever love like this. With such care and devotion. I want everyday to be the best for her. And in the end when we have to leave its sad. It feels like the end.

The travel is a long way back. But it's enjoyed. Back at home we spend a week away, though we text constantly. Ali is getting ready to leave for San Deigo with Trixie while I'm trying to figure out where I go from here.

Finally on the first week of August I see her again. I pick her up and drive her to the top of a hill. Kissing and in the end... well you know.

We lay in the backseat, her on top of me tracing absent-minded patterns across my bare chest. I brush my fingers softly through her hair.

"Have you decided where you are going?" She asks me. "No" I sigh. "Are you ready for San Deigo?" I ask. "Yes and no" she says.

The car silences until I hear her quiet sobs. "Baby" I say lifting her chin so her eyes can meet mine. "I've never been so happy and now it's being ripped to shreds right in front of me." She cries.

I kiss her, cupping her head with my hands. I wipe her tears with my thumbs and slowly she calms down. We sit there holding each other in the backseat for who knows how long.

Her phone buzzes and she sighs. "I have to get going" We get dressed and I drive her to Trixie's place. Trixie gives Ali a big hug and then gets in the car to give us space. I hold Ali close to me and then I cup her face. Kissing her deeply and softly, I try to tell her that I love her. Through my hands, my tongue, my body, my eyes. When we finally pull away, my gut wrenches. But I know she needs this.

"I'll be here. I'll find you" I whisper. I would tell you my heart breaks as I watch them drive away, but it can't crack when you don't have it. Cheesy shit I know. But it's true.

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