Chapter 8- Oliver

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I watch as Ali walks into the cafe and orders a coffee, even though it's 6 o'clock at night. Her hair is in it's loose waves like usual, though it seems shinier, smoother. She must have washed it.

Ali looks around the cafe and her face brightens up when she finds me. Her actions are exciting but her face is shy. "Hi" she says nervously. "Coffee at 6?" I ask, slightly teasing.

"I can never pass up a coffee" she says and takes a sip. Her hands cup the cup and she closes her legs tightly, her foot tapping.

"Anxious?" I tease. She blushes and tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear. "I'm just waiting for an answer," Ali says softly.

I let the words float in the air for a bit, then figure I'll say something to calm her down. "It's absolutely crazy! If I were 18 it would count as kidnapping or some shi-" she interrupts me.

"But you're not! If we get pulled over or something we simply say we're meeting my parents somewhere" she says.

I shake my head, scoffing. "This is crazy" I repeat. "C'mon! You get the money, I get the trip, it's what we both want!" Ali exclaims.

Her excitement is radiant, and it's working it's way into my mood. This is all absurd. We could get in serious trouble. But I need that money to get out of here.

It's simple, drive her there, get her back and I get the money. "How do I know you even have the money?" I ask, half serious.

But Ali isn't joking around.

She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a check. Sure enough $10,000 sat right in front of me. She puts it back without a word. I sit and think.

Ali is 100% serious about this.

"Why me?" I ask quietly. "Why not you?" Ali replies, sipping more of her coffee. "When would we even leave? What about your parents?" I ask.

"My parents leave two days after graduation, we'd leave then. They won't be back until August 4th" she says. "What about money for traveling? Your car is too small" I say.

"I have put $100 in an account for two years now, I have quite a bit for this. And I'll sell my car and buy a truck" She says. I don't know why I'm arguing with her. She clearly has everything figured out.

"Just say yes" Ali grabs my hands, begging. I close my eyes, thinking. I smile and open my eyes. "To hell with it, Let's do it" I say.

Ali jumps up and cries out with joy. Everyone looks at her and she waves, sheepish. Sitting back down she thanks me over and over. I laugh and say, "But we have to have rules. A hotel room once a week, I drive most of the time, and we have our own separate tents" Ali wrinkles her face at the last one. "Why would we have the same tent? You wish" she says.

We laugh and head outside. I walk her to her car and sigh. "I can't believe we're doing this. What about college?" I ask her. "I will have enough to afford a college and I'll live with Trixie in San Diego until I can afford to move" she says. "I need this trip" she drifts off. "Alright, I got to go," I say.

"Oliver," Ali says. "Thank you. So much" and with that, she gets in her car and waves goodbye as she drives away.

A road trip with a past enemy. How bad could it be?


The next day Ali and I talked non stop about the trip. It makes me happy that she's so excited over this.

"I went out and grabbed every camping item my family has. I organized it in the garage and I have already been looking at trucks so we should be ready"

"How are we going to do this by the end of the week? It's already Tuesday" I say. "Pft, we got this" she says.

Class ends and I walk out with Ali this time. "I think I'm going to get the truck tonight. Wanna come?" she asks. "Sure, I could test drive, since I'm driving most of the time" I tease. "Whatever, that just means you pay for gas more" she fires back.

Suddenly I feel sick. "I got to go" I say and walk away. "Text me after school!" she says. I just keep walking.

I head to the courtyard where I see a girl on her phone. Perfect. I walk over and play it cool. Conversation is easy, as always.

Although, as the girl (I think her name was Hailey) talks, I stare at her. She isn't that pretty. Her face is oval, and her nose doesn't bend at the end like it should, it slides down. Her blonde hair has been so bleached, it hurts my eyes. And she's too skinny, her black jeans are way too ripped and her pink top is weird. But I need to get Ali off my mind. A few quick hints and soon we're in the back of Hailey's car, getting it on.

"I hope my boyfriend doesn't find out," Hailey says, laughing. Looks like I'll have to fight another boyfriend. Why do girls always do that?

"Shall we go again?" she tries to say seductively. I hear the school bell ring and I curse under my breath. "I have practice" I say and pull on my pants.

"Oh, well then maybe I'll see you around" she says, pulling on her shirt. "Yeah" I say and get out. But as soon as I step out, Ali and Trixie are there.

"Oh, hey..." I say. Ali looks confused and then into the car. She sees Hailey pulling on her pants. I watch Ali's face shift from hurt, to anger, to embarrassment. Then it shifts to sadness.

"Um... see you later" she says and walks away. Trixie follows, starting up conversation again. I want to stop Ali, call her over and explain that I needed to clear my mind before I got too invested in her, but I don't. Ali keeps walking and I don't stop her. Instead I head to practice, silent.

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