Chapter 1- Ali

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My alarm is annoying.

As I shut it off I feel grateful that we only have two more weeks of school. I swing my legs over the side of the bed, yawning.

"Ali, wake up!" my mom knocks on the door. I hear her high heels click on the wood floor as she walks down the stairs.

I sigh and get out of bed. I take a quick shower, shave my legs for gym and then I get dressed. I put on a skirt and a cropped black t-shirt.

My parents are strict, but they allow me to wear whatever I want, thankfully. I slide on my white Converse and put my hair up in a messy bun, a few strands falling over my face.

"ALI!" my mom shouts. I hury downstairs, grabbing my backpack. "Finally, Ali, you take too long to get ready," my mom shakes her head.

My dad comes into the room in his work suit, on the phone. "Yes I will be working on the that will not happen....of course....see you soon" he hangs up and kisses my mothers perfect hairline.

"I have a big meeting today, I will see you at lunch," he says. "Have a wonderful day, Ali" my dad waves at me and walks out the door. "You're going to be late, get your butt in your car" my mother snaps. She kisses me goodbye and rushes me out the door.

I put my bag in the passenger seat of my white mustang, and started the car. My mornings are always rushed, but soon my parents will be on a cruise for two straight months. Leaving me with the house, all by myself. The sheer thought makes me giddy.

The drive to school is chaos. But LA is like that. But life isn't all ponies and rainbows here in LA. We live in a small town called Brookhaven. We have lots of the regular stuff, but our town is small. It's for the important, just not the famous.

I park my car next to my best friend's. She is sitting in her car on her phone. "Trix," I say, as I get out of the car. "Ali, finally you're here!" Trixie jumps out of her car.

Trixie has been my friend since the 6th grade. She has long blond hair with brown eyes and long eyelashes. She has long legs and a perfect body. She's the girl you hate because she seems so perfect.

We walk inside the school and stop at my locker so I can get my books. Suddenly Thomas, Trixie's boyfriend walks over and scares her by picking her up. She squeals and they laugh. He sets her down and they start making out. I cough politely, closing the locker door.

"Meet me in the bathroom in 2 minutes" Thomas whispers not so quietly. "See ya Ali" he waves and walks off. Trixie sighs. "I think I love him," she says dreamily.

We start walking to math class. "I think so too, you two have been hopping each other like bunnies" I tease. Trixie slaps me lightly.

Classes are simple and we move through the day easily. At lunch we sit outside on a bench. I'm talking to Rose, Rainy, and Bella while Thomas and Trixie make out. Rose sits in her boyfriend's (Jared) lap. Bella is holding hands with her boyfriend (Alex) and Rainy's boyfriend, Smith is out today.

"Are you going to that party this weekend?" Bella asks me. "Oh uh... maybe" I say. "C'mon you have to come! Totally rebel and stuff" Rainy says.

"Yeah, sneak out of your window!" Rose says. "Please, Ali is such a good girl, she'd never disobey her parents. Could you imagine her sneaking out of a window?" Jared laughs.

"I can't, because it's so much easier to walk out the door, but you wouldn't know" I fire back. Jared growls, squinting his eyes at me. I roll my eyes and look at Rainy.

"I'll make it, you can count on it"

After lunch I head to Science and then to ELA. In ELA, my teacher seems more excited today than usual. Once everyone is in the classroom, she starts.

"Welcome students! In the next two weeks we're going to be doing something differently than usual" she claps her hands together. "I am going to pair you into partners and you and your partner are going to write an essay together about your fears of going into adulthood. It's a simple task that should only take you the two weeks before school ends. These are due the day before the last day of school. I already paired you up so don't even think about asking to choose. I made you and your partner, partners for a reason" she says.

I sigh and rub my eyes. Great. I think. "Jessica, Jasmin.... John and Sasha.... Felix and Tom... Ali and Oliver.... Ashley and Rebecca...." I gasp in shock.

Not Oliver! Not Oliver! Not Oliver! I think repeatedly.

I hate Oliver. He hates me. We never got along, ever. We're too different. He's such a player. All he cares about is sex and alcohol.

One time he caught me and Ashton in the Janitor's closet and told everyone. But then when everyone found out we weren't dating they started calling me a whore.

Thankfully the whole thing died out before my parents found out. "All right get with your partners and get to it" Ms. Alister says and sits. Oliver and I immediately go to the teachers desk.

"We need to switch partners"

"Why is that?" Ms. Alister says slyly. "We can't work together," Oliver says. "Too bad, I paired you for a reason. Get to work," she says.

Oliver and I glare at each other before shuffling to our seats. We don't speak for a while. Finally he says something.

"Still shacking up with Ashton?" he snears. "I don't have time for this, Oliver. Let's just do the work, you and I both know that we need a good grade" I snap.

Oliver holds up his hands. "Just asking a question... Ashton and I haven't talked in a while so I thought you were keeping him busy" he laughs. I suck in a breath of anger.

"Just write down something and I'll put together the essay" I huff. "No way, you and I are partners. We do this together" Oliver grins evilly. "Fine. Have it your way, but if we do that then no teasing me" I say. Oliver glares at me.

I hold out my hand. He takes it and we shake hands.

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