Chapter 10- Oliver

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Thursday. One more day before graduation. Three more days until the trip.

I am pretty much almost packed, I have to pack up a couple of my clothes. The closer the hours count down the more nervous I am. But whenever I feel nervous I just think of the money. It calms me down. As the days pass Ali gets more and more excited.

However, nervousness radiates off of her as well. In ELA today, she tapped her foot against the floor while she read. "You okay?" I ask. "Fine" she doesn't look up. "Ali" I put my hand on her thigh to stop her foot tapping.

She looks up and we both flush. I remove my hand and clear my throat. "Sorry" I say. "It's fine, umm yeah?" she says. "Oh I was asking if you are okay" I say.

"Yeah I'm fine...I'm just thinking about you..." she says. "What? Why?" I ask. "The trip. You and I will be stuck in a car for hours at a time, you don't want that" she says, putting her face in her hands. "Who says that?" I ask, trying not to chuckle.

Ali gives me a look. "You're going to be horney" she mumbles. I can't help myself, I burst into laughter. "Stop laughing at me!" she giggles, shoving my shoulder. "I'm sorry, but that was pretty silly" I laugh. "Oliver" Ali giggles again.

"I'll be fine, we'll have fun!" I say.


On Friday Ali texts me first thing.

Ali- Two more days till the trip! Also, are you going to be at the ceremony today??

Oliver- No, I couldn't afford the gown

Ali- You're not missing much

Oliver- I'm guessing you're there?

Ali- I didn't have a choice

Oliver- Blink twice if you need rescuing

Ali- Lmao. How can you see if I'm blinking?

Oliver- I've read your mind

Ali- Come rescue me then

Oliver- omw

Ali- lmao

I put down the phone and smiled. Should I go and surprise Ali? I grin even wider when I think of her reaction. Her face smiling, but also surprised. Before I even register it, I'm grabbing my keys.

When I got there, the last of the 'W's were going. I forgot Ali's last name and my last name was very close to the alphabet. I cross my arms and stand in the back, watching with a smile.

Name after name, I watch. Finally, Ali gets called up. She walks up confidently, but so nervous. She grins, taking the diploma. She looks into the crowd, smiling at her friends, and parents. Then her eyes find me. And of course, it was what I expected.

She looks excited, like she could laugh, but she's also surprised. I wave, grinning. She waves a small wave back and walks off the stage. After the ceremony, I walked around to see her.

She's talking to her parents, nodding and smiling. Her eyes catch mine and she excuses herself, walking over.

"What are you doing here?" she asks, smiling. "Seeing your embarrassment" I tease. She chuckles. Are you going to the party tonight? At Rose's" she asks.

"Probably, gotta keep you safe" I say. She laughs again. Someone calls her name. "I better go. See you tonight" she waves and heads off.

I will be going to that party tonight.


Later, I surf the party, of course looking for Ali. I saw Trixie before I saw Ali. But when Ali wasn't with her, I knew.

I went outside and found Ali pacing the pool, a tall bottle in her hand. Based on her movement, she's drunk.

Ali looks amazing. She's in a red dress, with short sleeves and it goes to her thigh. I walk over and she gets spooked when she sees me.

"Oh sorry I didn't see you there" she says. "Uh, how drunk?" I ask. "Three beers, half this bottle and a mix from Trixie" she says. "Yeah you're done" I say, taking the bottle.

Ali doesn't argue, she just moves over the sofa's near the firepit. I walk over, following her. "I've been looking for you" I say. "Why?" she asks, not looking at me. "Because I wanted to see you. What's going on?" I ask. "I'm just... nothing" Ali says.

"Tell me" I say. "I wish things would just disappear. Like bad decisions or mistakes" she looks at me. There's a longing in her eyes that throws me off. Her look is full of sadness and despair and regret.

"Oh yeah like what?" I ask, teasing. She glares at me and then looks back down at her shoes.

Ali's wearing her converse again. It's cute, every girl I know always wears high heels or flats to a party. Trying to impress or look sexy. But Ali has always chosen comfort over style.

It makes me smile. "You know what? You have been so confusing" Ali says. "Oh, really?" I smile at her, teasing.

She jumps in on the joking mood. "Yes. You have, because you can't seem to pick a side" she pokes my shoulder. "Who's side?" I can't help but grin down at her.

"Your personality," she huffs. A strand of hair falls out of her small braid that's wrapped around her hair like a crown. It takes a lot not to tuck it back in. "You have a kind, joking side like right now. But then you go off and you have sex with other girls and drink your sorrows away and become a mean jock again" she folds her arms.

At first I think it's to prove a point, but then I see she's shivering. "Cold?" I ask. Even though it's summer, there is a slapping breeze that's whisking cold air all around. "No" she snaps, looking away.

"So what's my personality got to do with this?" I ask, trying to put her back in the teasing mood. "It's pissing me off," she huffs again. I laugh and say, "Maybe I shouldn't have tossed the bottle" Ali only shakes her head. "I'll see you later" she says, patting my shoulder and standing.

She stumbles off before I can even say anything.

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