Chapter 11- Ali

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Music booms loudly as I walk into the house. I can't stand Oliver right now. He's being strange.

Oliver is the king of the school. He's popular, he's the quarterback, he was prom king. But then when he opened up to me, he seemed to change. To soften.

I gave him a chance to get out, and he's taking the chance. But then he is still sticking to his rut. He's drinking away and using girls. Why is he acting differently with me? Why is Oliver being soft, why-

"Ali!" Trixie grabs my arm, shaking me out of my head. "Hi" I say. "Come play beer pog" she slurs. "Beer pong" I say.

"Whatever, come on," she says. Rose, Trixie, Smith, Alex, Rainy, me and Bella hang around the table. Smith and Bella set it up while Rainy and Alex talk to each other, giggling and kissing, and Rose talks to Trixie.

I stand next to Trixie and Alex. "Bella and Ali on a team, Rose and Trix on a team. I will judge, and Alex and Rainy can find a room" Smith says. We all laugh and get into our positions. I smile, maybe this will be fun.

Trixie goes first, and misses. Then Bella goes and makes it. The first game tosses back and forth, and I definitely spill beer on my dress.

In the second game, Alex and I go against Rose and Rainy. Now that we're all drunk, we're all giggling. We get sloppier. Rose accidentally bumps into a table and knocks beer over, before I can react, it spills onto my dress.

Alex had quickly moved away, so it only got onto me and the floor. The beer is sticky on my legs. Rose and Trixie gasp. Everyone looks at me with shock and awe in their eyes. I simply start to giggle.

Maybe I've lost my mind, I haven't decided.

I walk to the bathroom by myself. But I find it's locked. So I go into the kitchen which is surprisingly empty. I soak a rag and scrub my legs.

"How'd that happen?" someone asks. I look up, Oliver. "Beer pong" I say. "Ah" Oliver leans against the counter next to me. "So are we going to talk about earlier?" he asks. "Nope" I say, still scrubbing.

"It would be better if you could see in the light," Oliver says. "Bathroom is locked," I say. Oliver is silent. "Look Ali, can we go somewhere?" he asks.

I look up, confused. "Uh sure, let's go in the front yard" I say. I sit on the hood of Rose's convertible, Oliver follows suit.

"Look, I don't know what happened earlier, but I want to talk about us," he says. "What about us? We're simply people who are about to go on a road trip together" I say, bite in my tone.

"No we're not, not anymore" Oliver gets off the hood and moves to stand in front of me. "Can I ask you something?" I say. "What?" Oliver looks me in the eyes. "Do you get any feelings that don't come straight from your penis?" Oliver laughs.

"Yeah, sometimes I get hungry," he shrugs. I laugh this time. "Fine you win" I say. "You know... you and I are not that different" Oliver says. "Oh yeah? Give it to me" I say.

"You and I are stuck. We're swimming in secrets..." he moves closer to me, his fingers brush my neck when he moves my hair. It gives me goosebumps.

"And when you find people with secrets, it brings them together. And nothing can stop the connection"

Oliver and I are standing so close, I can smell his breath. I can't stop myself, I didn't even think. I just moved forward and kissed him. Smashed my face against his.

But Oliver doesn't object, instead he wraps his hand around my neck, pulling me closer. I wrap my legs around his waist, tugging on his shirt. Our heads move together, our breathing is synchronized. Nothing can stop the connection.

I've lost my mind. I will never drink again.

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