Aether's first time eating a Banana

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So this is how it went.

Aether loves bananas

But how did he react to trying one?

Also, enjoy a small welcome of my ghoul father Opheus ^^ he's an elder and everything else is explained 



Aether was casually sitting on a stool staring at the long yellow thing lying in the fruit bowl, his tail swishing from side to side.

He was curious about what strange object that was but was far too nervous to grab it. He wasn't wearing his mask as he was yet still a small ghoul boy. 

His short brunette hair with his purple eyes pierced at the object that complemented his. His horns still have small stubs and his tail was small and thin.

Orpheus the career of all the new ghouls that entered the world were looked after him, he was a tall elder. He reached the ceiling in most places, standing at a near 6 feet. 

He on the other hand was preparing some snacks for the ghouls and ghoulletes that were eagerly learning about themselves and what they could all poses.

He looked up at the ghoul that was waiting to help take the plates across, he looked along the gaze and let his lips turn into a smile, a fang popped out from his lips " looking at the banana? want to try it? " he reached over and took it

" a banananana? " he repeated after the older ghoul " what is a banana? " aether asked, his eyes beaming with curiosity 

Orpheus pealed the banana up and cut a piece off handing it to the ghoul in front of him " cmon open your mouth up. it's very sweet but doesn't eat the peel cos it's very bitter "

Aether opened his mouth wide, his small fangs that were beginning to grow there. He took the banana into his mouth, chewing it. His eyes widened where only his pupils could be seen. It's like a new flavour has exploded in his mouth. He chewed it and did a happy wiggle in his seat as he swallowed it " wow- "

The father figure ghoul chuckled at the younger one in front of him " it is a nice fruit, isn't it? Do you want it for a snack? " he asked, being received with a big nod from the smaller ghoul.


Word Count: 388

Happy New Year to everyone :D <3

Thank you for all of the support ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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