Childhood buddies

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Y/n will be male or female like always.

This will be another Terzo x reader, but it can be if you'd like it to be.



Running around the ministry was a fun thing to do, papa wasn't happy at most times neither were the clergy.

But you and Terzo enjoyed it.

Currently you were running away from terzo, while terzo was running away from his older brother secondo and secondo was running away from an angry sister Imperetor who was in the middle of teaching him alters.

You screamed and turned a harsh left, tumbling into a ghoul who was in the middle of walking to the next area, terzo ran into you and then secondo and sister Imperetor turned the corner her arms crossed " thank you ghoul- "

Secondo was dragged off by the ear back to his studies, while he was throwing excuses left and right how Terzo and Y/n, surprised him and messing up the alter structure.

Terzo and Y/n giggled at their mischievous plan that had worked. Before a cough interrupted their giggling. They looked up at the ghoul who had their arms crossed, relising it's papas main ghoul.

They looked at each other again, gulping before they got dragged off by their ears to their time out corners.

They both stood there, waiting for the ghoul to turn around, but it stood their like a hawk. Watching them both and waiting for the time to be up.

Terzo being the one with the short attention span decided to make his life harder and began to whine for a lot, refusing to listen to the ghoul.

When their 5 mins was up Y/n was able to leave while terzo whined more about it as he had to continue waiting their.


Word count : 308

Thank you for reading! <3

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