Cam-"did u"

Jace-"loose my virginity"



Cam-"Was it fun"

Jace-"hell no"

They laughed

Cam-"what happened"

Jace-"I don't even wanna talk about it"

She laughed

Cam-"it was not that bad:

Jace-"u didn't feel it u didn't even see it"


Jace-"new topic how's uhh your people"

She laughed

They got to an apartment complex

Cam-"whats this"


He parked and got out getting her out

Cam-"u got an apartment"

Jace-"lil bit"

She squealed and hugged him

Cam-"I so proud of u"

He smiled

Jace-"thank u"

They went up to his apartment he opened the door and let her in

Cam-"ooouuuuu look at the veiw"

He closed the door behind him he gave her a small tour

Jace-"and that's pretty much it"

Cam-"im so proud of u"

Jace-"thank u u said that"

Cam-"I know"

He grabbed her hand seeing the ring he gave her she moved her hand he smiled

Jace-"u kept it"

Cam-"t-this is a different one"

Jace-"no its not"

He pulled her back to him and held her

Jace-"I have mine"

Cam-"no u don't"

He took his necklace out his shirt it was his ring on it she smiled making him smile


He nodded looking down into her eyes

Jace-"I never got over u"

Cam-"..I never got over u"

He got chills she put her arms around his neck and started kissing him he held her tighter and kissed her back


They kissed for a while and she slowly pulled away he bit his lip

He picked her up and put her on the counter he lifted her head to his eyes

Jace-"what was the real reason u came back"

Cam-"i told u"

Jace-"that was a lie"

She looked down at her hands

Cam-"...I got tired of being a seemed like everyone down there just wanted something to play with and to make fun of...I couldn't keep my mind off of u and some of them noticed that..I gave up for a minute tried again I got stabbed in my I came back to u"

my random ideas 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora