{7} The Alliance

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"You're the only remaining SkyPerson left Clarke, the rest all burned along with Anya's people. With my people. Both your medical and common knowledge is vast, and would be of great use to me and the twelve clans."

"Look Commander-"

"Please, call me Lexa."

"Whatever," I scoffed, having no respect for these people what so ever. "I would rather be out there, surviving on my own than stuck in here with you. Your people killed my friends, the ones I loved... So don't you dare sit here and lecture me on what I should and should not be doing."

"Clarke, there one thing you must learn to be a great leader. An old, TreeKru proverb passed down through the generations. Love is weakness. And that's why as a leader you were so weak. And that's why all your people are dead, because you ran onto that bridge after that boy, and from then on, it was all out of your control." She snarled, her lips forming some sort of pout as she furrowed her brow slightly, her powerful anger radiating from her.

The temptation to hit her round the face was strong, but I held both my fist and the tears back. "I don't think a strong leader would've let her people have their blood drained inside a mountain though..." I replied, watching her expression turn dark as she got up and walked towards the door. She stopped before the door, facing it for a moment before turning round and looking at me.

"Just think Clarke, who's side are you on. Mine or yours? Which side will you survive with the most? You can run from here, you can stay, but just think." She swivelled around again, her long red cape swishing as she left the door.

Who's side am I on? Do I chose to become one of these people? Or do I go my own way, only just surviving.


I sat in the meadow that Clarke had been so fond of, the one that contained the herb that had mercifully saved her life all that time ago.

I breathed in the fresh air, the freedom that once was filled my lungs, making me feel higher than anything ever could. I was only half an hour away from camp, but I couldn't bring myself to go any further than the flowery clearing.

I twiddled a small red plant in my fingers, tracing around the delicate petals that bent at the touch. Not only had I let 40-ish people go missing, I had also let my sister leave. My whole life had been dedicated to Octavia Blake, and now there was a hole that I couldn't fill, because she wasn't there. The flower reminded me of her. So soft and precious yet ruthless and daring. I had promised that she would always be my responsibility. Even when my mother was floated, the last thing she said to me was 'Your sister, your responsibility.' Echoing the words of when she was first born.

I arrived back at camp to a commotion, the gate left ajar without any guards, as people hurried around and noise, panicked chatter filled the air. I walked around trying to find out what was going on from people's conversations, but they all went quiet if I approached.

I caught Wick's arm as he scurried towards the medical tent. "What's going on?" I watched as he took a gulp and glanced around him.

"Grounder's arrived around ten minutes ago. There was this young woman on a horse followed by around twenty people... they went with Kane and Abby into the ship. I was about to get Raven, will you help me?" I nodded before keeping up my pace so I was next to Wick as we walked. This was news to me, I believed that all the Grounder's had died in Raven's explosion. But apparently not.

"Why do they need Raven?"

"They asked for you too. You know these people, how to deal with them. Sooner we get Raven the sooner we can know what is going on."

We entered the tent to find Raven carving a deep grove into the side of the cot with a needle, clearly from boredom.

"Well if it isn't my two favourite boys on this earth." She smiled, but soon regained her seriousness when we picked her up and rushed out the tent explaining everything.


I gave a quick knock on the closed door, supposedly where the Grounders were having their meeting. The door slid open smoothly, Kane appearing in the gap. "Ah Bellamy there you are, and Raven, good to see you out the medical tent." He gave a small smile that was quickly shot down by Raven.

"Cut the crap Kane, let us in." Her voice sounded just as bored and annoyed as we all felt.

He moved aside, letting us enter to a room full of Grounders, Abby and a few other SkyPeople looking slightly out of place amongst the sea of earthy tones. Kane made Wick wait outside because he wasn't an official Council Member, but neither were Raven and I. And I'm sure she was as disgusted as I was to be called a Council Member, considering The Council were the reason we were all down on Earth in the first place.

A young woman with dark face paint stood in the centre, shooting us both a look as we entered. She drummed her fingers on the table as Abby introduced Raven and I to her, announcing her name was Lexa, the new commander of the Grounders. Lexa explained she was here for a peace talk, no fighting involved. Her people were still angry about what we had done, how their people died a fiery death.

"Well you shouldn't have attacked us in the beginning then..." Raven hissed, causing a few Grounders to draw their weapons, the metallic scraping of swords as they were taken out of their scabbards before they were placed back in due to Lexa's request made us stand straighter for a moment.

"I wish to offer a truce. I believe Anya was wrong to launch an attack on you..." She started to use a small dagger from her pocket to carve onto the large metal table in the centre of the room, mapping out locations.

"Mt Weather, here-" She tapped the blade on a triangle labelled Maun-de (which turned out to mean Mount Weather) "is a place that was once safe. But no more, they have my people trapped in there..."

"They?" I asked, wondering who she could be talking about. Mt Weather was a military base inside a mountain, nothing more.

"The Mountain Men... The people who cannot touch or breath our air. My... source has told me that my people are captured there, and we will get them out."

"Hold on, nobody said 'we'..." Kane trailed off, his arms folded across his chest tightly as if a Grounder could plunge into his chest at any moment.

"The Mountain Men have something you want too..."

Is this it... is this what I've been waiting for...

Raven placed her hand on my shoulder, giving it a small squeeze as we both knew what information could potentially be coming next. Abby's eyes widened as she urged Lexa to continue.

"One of the lookouts named Ruban was at the battle, he saw it all... The Mountain Men took your people, in a red fog before they disappeared back into the mountain. I stand here before you to propose a deal. My army helps get your people out if your technology helps set free my own."

Kane took Abby's arm and was about to pull her away to speak about the decision they had to make. But they didn't have to, because I had already made it for them.

"You've got yourself an alliance."

Anything for the people I love. Anything for my own.


Hey everyone! I have been so busy recently with exams a few weeks ago, and these past few weeks I have been applying for the position of HeadGirl in my school so I've been really busy with that. And I'm sorry for the long chapter, but that might be how it has to be for a while.

BUT WHO GOT SUPER SAD ABOUT THE 100 BEING PUSHED BACK TO MID SEASON LIKE THAT IS 10 MONTHS AWAY GUYS! I CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG TO SEE MONTY AND BELLARKE AND MURPHY(CAUSE I LOVE MURPHY NOW FOR SOME REASON...) follow my tumblr if you want to just cry with me about it ;) but I've been busy so yeah, I'm sorry about that but I hope this chapter is good... idek, I don't read them through until I've uploaded them then I notice loads of mistakes and I'm going to end this note now because it's really long sorry, bye :)

But before I go, The Fight got 6K and this book is so close to 1K!

Okay I'm going now, bye :)

2. The Fall-Bellarke FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang