"I don't think I've ever seen you before. Is your office on this floor?" He asked, as his hand moved under his chin to showcase his curiosity.

"Actually, I guess you could say that it's kind of my first day. I've been trying to find someone to show me around."

"Well, Sasha. Your wish is my command. Follow me and I'll get you well-acquainted on the floor." 

I smiled a genuine smile. This man was truly the epitome of charismatic.


By the time lunchtime rolled around, I finally felt like I had a true sense of the floor dynamics. Sebastian had done a perfect job of explaining every minute detail there was to know about the department; from the company hookup spots to the ready-made cliques and hot gossip topics floating around. 

Simply put, he was fun to be around. Time seemed to move fast with him. His youthful spirit had been invigorating, to say the least.

"So, Sasha...Are you going to the holiday ball?" He questioned, as we stood among a long line of employees, currently waiting for our food. 

The company had ordered catered food for the staff, which, according to Sebastian, was a regular occurrence here. The idea was one of mere occupational efficiency, with the board members believing that if their employees didn't wasted time leaving the office, then they would be much more productive in getting their work done.

"Actually, I'm not too sure. I don't really know anyone here, so attending a social party seems pretty pointless." 

The holiday ball was hosted each year by the executive board. Employees, business partners, investors, stakeholders, and the like were all invited to attend the biggest event of the year. The theme tended to fluctuate from time to time, but never divested too far from Christmas. After all, the ball was held in December. This year the concept was formal wear, but with the elegance and spontaneity of the Renaissance era.

"Well, now you know me. If you decide to go to the ball, I vow to never leave your side." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"What's your number?" I asked, handing him my phone.

"Woah, a bit forward aren't we?" He teased, as he grabbed the device from me and input his contact information.

"Shut up." I swatted his arm, watching as he cried out in mock pain. 

When surrounding chatter promptly died down, my attention shifted to a group of pompous men dressed in pristine business suits appearing from around the corner. Kendall and the buzz-cut man I recognized from the Halloween party were among the few. Though the men were mostly around the same height and build, Kendall easily towered over them. His height and imposing looks set him obnoxiously apart from the rest.

The men were immersed in what seemed like an important discussion, but he remained quiet. His hands were characteristically tucked into his pants pockets and his thick eyebrows were furrowed over his eyelids. I pitifully zoomed in to the way his bottom lip submerged itself between his teeth, as he continued to walk in a comfortable silence. 

People who had been standing in line lowered their conversations to whispers, presumably gossiping about the intimidating men walking by. After utilizing the Internet to conduct my own background research on Kendall Fine, I had learned that he was named one of New York's most eligible bachelors. From scrupulous photoshoots to popular magazine covers, his face was plastered everywhere. I'm sure college girls even had fruitful posters of him hanging from their dorm room walls.

"Here comes the big guys." Sebastian remarked sarcastically. I watched as his face dropped to match his clear disdain. 

"I get the feeling you don't like them very much." I teased, curious for him to explain where his distaste for the men came from.

"I don't. I hate spoon-fed dickheads who think they're better than everyone else because of how much money they make." I agreed, but also found myself becoming a little protective over Kendall.

When we reached the front of the line, caterers packed my plate with four large chicken tacos topped with cilantro, onions, salsa, and cheese. I didn't have long to enjoy the arrangement before a random girl bumped into me from behind. The collision caused my plate to slip from my hands and fall onto the floor in front of me, soiling my blouse in the process. 

The brunette girl didn't bother throwing a glance at the mess she'd been responsible for instigating, as she shuffled past me and left behind a sweet-smelling trail of perfume. Reaching the group of men paced a few steps ahead of her, she eagerly offered her plate to Kendall whose face now held a scowl. Rather than respond to her gesture, he motioned toward the man with the buzz cut to take the plate on his behalf. 

While the group of men continued down the hall, Kendall's feet moved towards me. Without uttering so much as a word, he nimbly lowered his knees to the floor and began to help clean up the mess. Reverting my focus back to the excess food and sauce stained onto my top, I rushed toward the condiments table to collect a generous supply of napkins. However, I found myself becoming increasingly more humiliated, when the nosy stares and whispers from bystanders who'd watched the entire ordeal occur became overbearing.

"Do any of you people have eyes?" Kendall directed his harsh tone towards the onlookers, bemused by their inability to solicit the least bit of help. At the sound of his commanding cadence, many began to obediently offer their assistance only after being primed.

"Kendall, it's okay." I said, as I bent down next to him to help clean the food on the floor. My words didn't quite fall through, as the scowl on his face only deepened. 

"Mr. Fine! Miss Milton, we'll take it from here! I'm so sorry about that." A member from the cleaning crew urged, as Sebastian stood beside them. He must have left to find them.

Kendall and I stepped back, allowing the crew to take out their supplies and begin mopping the floor. A few seconds later, Kendall turned towards me while removing his suit jacket. After neatly folded it in half, he handed it to me.

"Here. Wear this." He stated.

"I don't want to get it dirty." I hesitated to grab the item.

"I don't fucking care, I'll buy a new one. Put it on." He repeated. This time I didn't stall to accept the jacket.

"Thanks." I added, after slipping it on. Although it fit rather loosely on my body, I could still smell his cherry scent lingering all over it. 

He eyed me approvingly before nodding and turning to follow in the direction of the men he'd been walking alongside earlier. I could feel the rest of the employees staring at me with a newfound interest. If I took a lucky guess, I supposed many of them had been intrigued by the short exchange shared between Kendall and I. He didn't strike me as the type of man who often went out of his way to help others. Yet, he had done so for me.

"You're a Milton?" Sebastian asked, sounding shocked.

"In the flesh and blood." I retorted, as I adjusted the large jacket on my frame.

"I had no idea. I'm sorry if anything I did or said prior to this was inappropriate." 

Sebastian's apology had served as an apt reminder of one of the many reasons why I hated telling people my last name. Once they learned who I was, they uncomfortably began to treat me differently. Like being a Milton meant that I was somehow above everyone else. Which I wasn't.

"Sebastian, I really like you. Please don't let my last name change things between us." I smiled warmly at him, and he looked relieved.

"Well the chick who bumped into you had some fucking nerve." He crossed his arms, shaking his head at the memory.

"I know, who is she?" 

"She used to work as a marketing coordinator, but was promoted to Mr. Fine's temporary assistant. She's also my ex-girlfriend." I parted my lips in shock at the latter part of his statement.

"Wow, you learn something new everyday. Let's get out of here. I hope you plan on sharing your tacos with me, right? That line is way too long to wait in again." He laughed carelessly, as we headed back to the lounge we'd met in earlier.

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