Chapter Forty-Nine

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I was looking for him through the graveyard, but all I could see was about a foot in front of me. A white cloud lurked over the field, making this whole thing seem even eerier. I tried to call him to at least hear his phone ring, but nothing, not a single sound. Strangely, I had this feeling that someone was watching me, but then I shook it off at the sound of voices. I immediately ran off in that direction and let out a sigh of relief when I saw his warm smile. "I'm so happy I found you, it felt like someone was watching me."

    "Maybe they were," Elijah teased.

    "Who were you talking to?"

    "My nana." I glanced down at the stone he was motioning to before looking back at him with suspicion.

    "But I heard two voices. . ."

    "It's just your mind messing with you, I was alone."

    "I could have sworn-"

    "Alison, I was alone," he explained again, giving me a serious expression. Well then, everyone's moody tonight. His serious expression dropped and he gave me a playful nudge as his normal bright features returned. "So, how was your night?"

    "I wish I could say boring."

    "That bad?"

    "Toni asked me out and I tried to say no, but he guilt-tripped me. Then he picked me up in his car and blared songs about kidnapping his ex-girlfriend. I was like oh no, Alison Clara King doesn't have time for this. So I call my mom to pick me up, and when she gets there he decides to swallow my face. You know how my parents are so I got grounded for breaking the no-touch rule that I didn't even break. And then on the way over here I was jumping the gate and nearly fell face-first on the sidewalk."

    "You're stories never disappoint," he laughed out before giving me a look. "But seriously, I've told you a million times just to say no. You don't have to feel bad for not wanting to go on dates, especially with sophomores, or anyone older than you for that matter."

    "It's so hard to say no. I hate watching the excitement and hope leave their eyes, it's heartbreaking."

    "I swear, your compassion will be what kills you."

    "You're probably right," I agreed before readjusting to change the topic. "What did you need so urgently?"

    "Nothing, I just wanted to see you."

    "In a cemetery. . .? You live beside me."

    "Yeah, but I was visiting my nana and I liked the vibe."

    "At night? Is this not creepy to you?"

    "Why would it be creepy? They're dead, it's not like they can hurt us. Honestly, this is much safer than the living world. I find it quite peaceful."

"Peaceful? I fear if any of them are still lingering here, they might be resentful."

"They're not resentful, Alison, that's just what people say to make others appreciate life. They don't have the same frustrations we do. They don't have to wonder because they know all of the answers, their viewpoint is unlimited. Which is why they're the best people to talk to." Elijah's eyes stayed glued to her stone while mine looked at him with a worried expression. He's usually lighthearted and full of jokes, but now something is weighing on him. This was different from a normal down day, he was over here talking to dead people at eleven at night.

"Is everything okay? Is there something you want to talk about?"

"Not exactly, honestly, I just wanted to see if you'd come."

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