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"son of a bitch."

max was struggling to getting his converse on at this front door. he was getting ready to go meet up with everyone. he'd gone home last night to let nick have one comfortable night sleep.

he also didn't know how much sleep he was gonna get himself and didn't want to disturb the others with his tactics for falling back asleep.

they just consisted of going on his phone, or putting on some white noise in the background. but he'd left his airpods at his house, so doing that in the triplets hotel room would've been a no go.

for the amount of sleep he was expecting, he slept rather well. seeing as today was the day, he was extremely anxious.

he still didn't have a plan of when or where. but all his knew was - the sooner he did it, the less anxious he was. he'd told himself that if it came to the end of the day and he still hadn't done it, he was gonna have to pull nick aside purposely and ask him.

his plan was to do it when they somehow were alone, which for his luck, was usually quite often. but if he chickened out, then that was on him.

he'd also decided that he was gonna tell nick about their "past" on their actual date. he had some ideas of how to make it romantic and lessen the blow a little.

he finally got his shoe on after struggling for a while. he grabbed his car keys and ran down his driveway to his car.

he lived with 2 of his friends from high school. neither of them were around very often because of college. they were both extremely smart and already had high paying jobs, so max used that to his advantage. so now he hardly has to pay for rent, and he's practically got the house to himself 24/7.

he began to drive towards the hotel, anxiously picking at the side of his i
finger nails.

you got this max. everything's gonna be fine.

he pulled up to a parking space that was reserved for employees. he wasn't working today but he was still an employee.

his phone vibrated in his pocket and he pulled it out to see a message from chris.

you almost here?

walking up to the lobby now

i'll meet you down there

he pocketed his phone as he walked into the grand lobby. he sat down on one of the leather chairs and waited patiently for chris to come downstairs. when he saw the floppy haired boy come out the elevator, he stood up happily and walked over to him. chris smiled as he walked towards max as well. they embraced in a short hug before separating.

"you ready?" chris says through gritted teeth.

"i'm shitting my pants." max laughs, chris laughing with him.

"you'll be fine. nick seems totally into you." chris says a smile on his lips.

"still- it's pretty nerve racking." max shrugs.

"when do you plan on doing it?" chris asks.

"whenever i can."

"yeah, that never works." chris chuckles.

"what do you mean?" max questions.

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