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the group drove into their designated parking space before hopping out and heading upstairs. they decided that max will just stay in the triplets room again.

they all said goodnight to one another before splitting off into their rooms.

"can i borrow some of your clothes again nick? i don't have any pjs." max says shutting the door behind him.

"sure." nick says sweetly. he just gives max what he wore last time.

"what's the time?" chris asks slumping onto his bed.

"8:00." nick says looking at his phone.

"it's so early yet i'm so tired. there's something wrong with me." chris groans face down into his bed sheets.

"we could watch a movie?" max suggests.

"oh yeah, sure. what movie you guys wanna watch?" chris asks sitting up.

"nothing horror. that's not happening." matt says.

"yeah i agree." nick sits down on the bed and pulls out his phone to look up movies to watch. max, now changed, sits down next to him. their basically lying on top of each other with the little amount of space they have, but they don't mind. especially about how touchy they've been today.

"we feeling a throwback or a new one we haven't seen yet?" chris asks.

the four think for a while, throwing movie suggestions back and forth before deciding on the back to the future. they'd all watched it before but they hadn't seen it ages and wanted to watch it again.

as the movie started, nick and max got comfy. they both sat straight against the back of the bed. to get into a more "comfortable" position, max put his arm around nicks shoulders; nick leaning into him.

matt looks over at the two, seeing as his bed was next to theirs. he smirks at nick in hope he notices, he does. nick flips him off with a small irritated smile on his face. but no matter what he did, he couldn't hide the fact his stomach was filled with butterflies.

as the movie progressed, nick felt his eyes start to grow heavy. he lay his head on maxs shoulder and started to close his eyes.

"you going to sleep?" max whispers quietly to nick. nick looks up at him with a tired smile.

"yeah, i don't know why but i'm exhausted." nick yawns. max smiles down at the boy below him before pulling him in tighter. nick can't help but smile at the gesture. and within a few minutes- nicks dead asleep.

once the movies over it's around 10 and the boys decide to head to sleep. except for max. he lays himself and nick down as gently as he could so he wouldn't wake him up. he lay awake sneakily on his phone while he waited for it to strike 12.

over the next 2 hours max goes through some of the most intense overthinking he ever has. what if nick doesn't wanna go? he was totally exhausted, he might be too tired and not wanna go. and then if we do go, what he if he finds it boring and wants to go back? what if i fuck it up and let it slip that we knew each other and the moments not right.

that last thing- he's been worried about it since he found out. he was gonna tell nick, he had to. for his own peace of mind and for the good of nick and his relationship, whatever that may be. but he wanted to make sure that when he told him, it was a special moment and it was where nick could take him seriously and he could explain everything to him. he didn't want it to be rushed and scary like it was for him. he would hate for nick to go through what he did when he found out. the anxiety and the sudden awkwardness. he didn't want that, and he wasn't going to let it happen.

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