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song - bang bang bang, Lauran Hibberd

"MATT. oh my god. what is it with you and being late recently?" chris calls from the bottom of the stairs.

"i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i forgot my phone charger." matt puts his hands up in defense as he runs down the stairs.

"let's go. we're gonna miss our flight."

"chris. we all know we're not gonna miss our flight." nick chuckles from beside him.

"what do you mean?" chris asks confused.

"our flight is at 6. it's current 3:00. we're gonna be fine." nick pats chris on the shoulder before turning around and walking out to the car.

"whatever, i just wanna go."

they all hop in the car. run through a quick random checklist of vital things they'll need while they're gone. once they know they have everything they need, they hit the road.

the drive to the airport is a quiet drive, one of chris' random playlists playing quietly in the background.

"hey chris, i forgot to ask you. how's that girl you were talking to. what's her name? nichola?" nick asks lightly tapping chris on the shoulder to get his full attention.

"oh yeah. it's going good. she's been a little dry recently but it's fine. we're kinda just chilling." chris replies.

"she also does youtube yeah?" matt asks from the drivers seat.

"yeah she does. i think she has 200k but i can't really remember." he shrugs.

"oh cool. you should introduce us sometime." nick says trying to be supportive.

"oh uh- yeah maybe not." chris laughs awkwardly.

"what. why not?" matt asks confused.

"she uhh," he goes quiet
for a second hesitant to say anything else. "she broke things off with me." he sighs running a hand over his face.

"oh chris. im sorry. i know how much you liked her." nick said putting a hand on his shoulder supportively. he didn't know why, he wasn't usually like this with his brothers; especially with this kind of topic.

"nah, it's all good. don't worry about it" chris crosses his arms over his chest and slouches slightly in his seat. nick can't help but feel bad for his brother. he knew how much he liked her.

"well fuck her." matt says suddenly.

"what?" chris says rather shocked by matt's random out burst

"fuck. her. she doesn't deserve you anyway. you don't need her. there's someone else out there who is 10 times better than her. so- fuck her and her shitty opinions." matt smiles over at his brother.

the song she wants my money by dominic fike comes on through the stereo.

the boys all look at each other as they begin to sing the song.

i won't wait for you
if all you want is my money

the boys sing the lyrics loudly, a smile forming on chris' face. matt and nick look at each other through the rear view mirror giving each other an approving smile.


the boys arrive at the airport and they meet the others at check in.

they all head through security and do all the boring things you need to do to go on a plane.

once they reach the gate, they sit around and wait for their flight to be called.

"this is gonna be SICK." audrey says as she takes yet another selfie on her phone.

"how many photos have you taken in the last 5 minutes?" chris chuckles at her.

"that's non of your business christopher." she looks at him with a smug look. he simply rolls his eyes at her.

nick was nervous about going to LA. he didn't know why. he just thought it was cause he hadn't flown in a while. maybe because he hadn't been to LA for a while?

what was he thinking? he goes there for work all the time. he just couldn't think of a good excuse as to why he was so nervous to go.

"you right?" art asks putting a hand on nicks knee which stops it from bouncing up at down. nick didn't know it was doing that.

"oh yeah. just a bit nervous." he chuckles.

"whys that?" art asks concerned.

"that's the thing. i don't exactly know. i guess just feeling a bit anxious today." nick smiles over at the boy next to him.

"well if you ever need anything, i'm always here for you." art rubs nicks knee assuringly before lifting it off his leg. nick smiles over at him, grateful to have a friend like him.

"airpod? music always calms me down." art says offering him one of his ear buds.

"oh yeah. thanks." nick takes the airpod before putting it in his ear.

"any suggestions?" art asks handing his phone to nick.

"there's only one artist that's appropriate in this situation." nick smirks as he looks up the artist he's looking for.

the beat of the song starts to play and art gasps.

"ariana. good choice."

nick and art were very close. being the only gay guys in their friendship group, they always went to the other for advice or help when they were struggling. nick would never date art though. never. not because he's not attracted to him, but because he can't see him dating someone who is like another brother to him. it feels wrong.

"flight number 4037. please make your way to gate 5 to board."

"that's us guys." vincent says standing up and grabbing his backpack. the group follow his lead and head onto the plane.

"so who's sitting with who?" matt asks stopping when they get to the three rows they've booked.

"there's 7 of us. so 1 person will sit on their own." audrey points out.

"oh shit. yeah. that's annoying."

"i can sit on my own." kennedy offers.

"are you sure? i'm happy to sit by myself." art asks.

"yeah it's fine. i'll sit by myself don't worry. that way i can talk to the hot women with you bozos interrupting me." kennedy says cheekily.

"oh my god ned." matt rolls his eyes at her.

they all sit down in their seats and get comfortable for the flight. nick is sitting in the aisle seat next to matt and art. chris, audrey and vincent are sat behind them with kennedy sitting 2 rows back.

nick puts his own airpods in and hits play on a random playlist he probably made at 3am.

he lays his head down on matt's shoulder lightly as if not to startle matt. matt looks down at nick and rolls his eyes before leaning his head against his. the two brother don't take long to fall asleep as they lift off into the air.

we meet max next chapter which is exciting.
i hope you're enjoying it so far. i'm super excited for this story.

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