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nick woke up to the sound of chris laughing from the other side of the hotel room. he groans into his pillow, a habit he seems to have picked up, before sitting up and looking at chris.

"why are you laughing so loud?!" nick tries to come across as super pissed off but his groggy morning voice doesn't help him at all.

"look at this tiktok bro." chris says still laughing hardly, he stumbles over to nicks bed and shows him the tiktok. it's of two people running around in one of those hamster wheels in playgrounds. as they speed up, nick can hear chris' laugh intensifying. the two have now hit super high speeds all before one of the guys falls over which causes him to spin around the thing on his back before crashing down to the bottom. chris can't contain his laughter, falling on the floor out of breath. nick just looks down at him with a disapproving look.

"you don't find that funny?" chris says through gasps of air, still on the floor. nick just simply shrugs before getting up and going to the bathroom. he finds matt in there brushing his teeth.

"morning." nick says squinting in the bright bathroom light.

"morning. you sleep well?" matt asks.

"yeah, not as well as the night before but it's fine." matt looks at him with a smirk on his face. nicks eyes widen and he slaps a hand over his mouth when he realises what he'd just said.

"you keep that to yourself." nick says with a small smile

"i will i will. don't worry." matt says putting his hands up in defense with a small chuckle, the toothbrush being held between his teeth.

chris walks in moments after.

"you finally calmed down?" nick says to chris which makes chris laugh. nick rolls his eyes as he starts laughing again. "you're ridiculous."

nick walks out the bathroom and grabs his phone. he looks through his insta for a second before he decides to text max.

just making sure you got home alright last night?

the uber was actually super sweet

that's good
you never know what creeps are out there

LMAO true
thanks for letting me hang round the hotel for a bit though

it's no problem
everyone loves you

thank god
it'd suck if they didn't


cause i wouldn't be able to hang with you :)

oh my god stop
you're making me blush

it's true
you're just a vibe

thank you :D
i like to think i'm pretty fun

well you thought right

when you working again?


ok cool
i'll see you on sunday then

i'll see you then :)

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